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Pioneers on LPF: Milestone Achievement recognition and LPF Hall of Fame section?

Feb 2, 2012
Dear C0ldshadow, admins, and members of LPF,

I was thinking about how newer people to the forums (myself included) are less aware of the history and specific processes involving countless hours of ingenuity, creativity and research that went into providing the knowledge to allow the diverse marketplace of all kinds of various hosts, pre-soldered modules, extracted diodes, focus adapters, drivers etc. that many people take for granted today. :D

The Golden age of the laser hobby thread showed how many members appreciate a time a few years back where it wasn't as easy as purchasing a pre extracted diode or host kit and there was much more that had to be done from scratch while pushing the boundaries of the limits of the diodes, and not knowing how much current they could take without blowing them. While the process of experimentation was costly the rewards were incredible and continually surprising just what could be achieved! Along the way these boundaries of the unknown were explored and many milestones of achievement in the laser hobby were made along the journey.

Would it be possible to have a section of the forum to recognize and showcase these major milestones of achievement? While some of the threads about these feats of ingenuity might come up in a search, I was thinking that these achievements should be brought to the front and deserve some kind of collected format to display and showcase them. For newcomers and for historical record to recognize all the time and money spent by these laser pioneers who paved the way (losing many little diodes) to bring the knowledge, techniques and ideas that are commonplace and used by all of us today might be kind of cool.

In the "Hall of Fame" subsection, specific major milestones in the laser hobby achieved by members on the forum could be displayed. Each achievement could have it's own page with a brief summary of the background of how the discovery or achievement was accomplished written by the member (and / or) if they prefer instead just a link to the original thread, and maybe even a little photoshop award medal for each major milestone.

These could be achievements such as first extracted blue ray diode into a handheld, first 405nm > 100mW, first 445nm, 1st. >1W 405nm, 1st. 520nm handheld, 1st >2W 445nm, multi diode handheld, and many others along the way that the veterans have done in the history of LPF that I as a relative noob are not aware of.

I think this would be really cool to have this Hall of Fame / History of milestone achievements section so that newcomers can see the process that went into paving the way to the laser hobby we have today but also to recognize the achievements of these members and not to have the threads on these achievements get lost to history or forgotten under all the newer threads on the forum. Recognizing all the major achievements in a subsection on LPF might take some time so if people are interested maybe a new milestone could be added each week or every two weeks with a thread to suggest nominations of what achievements or major milestones in the laser hobby they think should be added to the Hall of Fame. :bowdown:
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Feb 1, 2008
Yes well I did think of protection. If you want to embrace yourself in another method, feel free to.

But if you must - you may adopt the classic fetal also.

Just keep in mind that the glassy-eyed, thumb-sucking technique is surefire crowd favorite.
Sep 20, 2008
Nice gesture but...
I'm with Meatball on this. There will be arguments until
the cows come home about who was the 1st to do what.

Then it will spread to other Forums with the same responses
about who was first..

Like you said the info of the pioneers and their sacrifices is on
the Forum for the reading.



Oct 27, 2011
To be honest, This was in my head for the past few months.. how new people who are genuinely interested in LPF History need to know about it in a non-biased way, And what meatball said was the only thing i was afraid of as there are a lot of people on a lof of people's ignore list even though what remarkable achievements they did for this hobby and made a history!


We can only mention names of pioneers, just a few of them and so on!
Jan 8, 2009
Yea nice thought... people fight over who used a host first damn stupid, but they do.

Besides I thought of this very thing already, who you;)
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May 22, 2011
would it be more appropriate if you don't list the names of people just what was achieved and when? more like a timeline of events?
Feb 2, 2012
Thanks everyone very much, I appreciated reading the feedback on the idea.

I have to admit that I did not think about the fact that there might be disputes over who did what first. It does seem though that within the time I have been here that there have been some accomplishments where it was clear that that given person had been the first to achieve something. I could be wrong but Lazeerer's 1W 405nm pen comes to mind as an example.

My reasoning for the idea of the Hall Of Fame section would be just to showcase certain major accomplishments in the hobby in an easy to navigate format where these memorable builds could be displayed. Not necessarily for ego or bragging rights, but also for a historical look at just what people on this forum have accomplished over the years.

In that regard as Fiddy suggested, maybe it could be focused less on who did what first but maybe like a "timeline" or scrapbook of interesting achievements in the history of the forum such as early extractions of Red diodes, blue ray, etc. as well as newer builds that stand out because of something new, unusual or different. From a historical standpoint I think this would be very interesting as I myself am fascinated by how the people here on the forum came up with these original ideas in the first place, and it seems almost unjust for these historical builds, or milestones to get lost under newer threads when their educational and historic value to learn from is very useful as well as extremely interesting.

Of course if I am the only one that still thinks there is some worth in this than I won't keep going on about it. :p
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Sep 16, 2007
I dunno, this all seems kind of masturbatory.


