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FrozenGate by Avery

PHR-803T for about $20

I got mine yesterday. 100mA in=120mW out! :D That's w/o a lens though. Still 80mW with an aixiz acrylic lens. ;)

Oooo, so tempted... 4 for $80 shipped, that's only $20 a piece!

May have to buy more DX modules ;D
Bought 3 from geeks ,delv on 24th.

use 10% discount code DEALHUNTING

Bet sold out soon.
My 2 extras have arrived, all 803t sleds so far :-) Think I need to order a Meredith module to go with it, the Aixiz acrylic does seem to kill the power quite a bit
Laserrod said:
Bought 3 from geeks ,delv on 24th.

use 10% discount code DEALHUNTING

Bet sold out soon.

Hope they don't stock up on HD-DVD movie titles thinking the demands on HD-DVD are becoming so high now. [smiley=happy.gif] [smiley=grin.gif]
I ordered a couple last week. Got them today.

Killed the first one because I forgot to short out the cap on my test driver circuit :(
Was more careful on #2 and there is glorious violet light.

I must admit I was expecting more visually from 80mw. I'm just used to my green, which is very visible. This one does smoke black paper quite easily.
I guess the fun will start tonight, when i go around making things fluoresce :).
salvaging them isn't really that much trouble, but if you'd really rather have someone else do it, I'll give you my address.. Purchase one of the drives and have it shipped to me. I'll pull the diode and solder leads on it for you.
It'll take a little trust in a stranger on your part :)

Or, I'll give you my paypal address, and have you pay me the amount for the drive and shipping, and I'll take care of it.
wicked1 said:
salvaging them isn't really that much trouble, but if you'd really rather have someone else do it, I'll give you my address.. Purchase one of the drives and have it shipped to me. I'll pull the diode and solder leads on it for you.
It'll take a little trust in a stranger on your part :)

Or, I'll give you my paypal address, and have you pay me the amount for the drive and shipping, and I'll take care of it.
eh, who are you? lol =P

I would build up alittle more rep before you offer services like this. not anything against you; but understand how easy it is for any old scamer to say that and run away with a new HD DVD drive. =P
My two drives came today! 3 days for ground shipping! I opened one and lo and behold PHR-803T! Im assuming the other is the same.
Oh man, I couldn't resist... in for four, hoping to "pay" for my two by selling the others on Ebay or something since I'm really tight on money right now :(

They shipped today, so hopefully I get them soon :)
Mine died! I'm not sure why. Using lm317. Tested the current. Still 90ma.
It went very dim, then got the yellowish hue, then went out. I thought maybe the batteries died or something, but they are fine.
I only used it for maybe 10 minutes total. Never more than a minute or so at a time.
Whats strange is that it was sudden. I used it about 1/2 hour ago for a min. Set it down.
I turned it on a min ago, and it was dim, then went out.
rkcstr said:
Oh man, I couldn't resist... in for four, hoping to "pay" for my two by selling the others on Ebay or something since I'm really tight on money right now :(

They shipped today, so hopefully I get them soon :)

The shipping is the only bad part of the deal. I paid $11.00 and it took a week or so (I think :-? ). >:(
