Thought I should post here rather than in Adams FS thread- If anyone chooses to sell these drivers, can we agree to keep the price low? Adam is selling them for 8$ a piece which I think is perfect. Personally, whenever I get around to buying parts, I plan to make a batch of ~10, keep a few, and sell the rest for 7$ or 8$- basically enough to cover parts and shipping materials (ESD safe bags, shipping envelopes).
As much as RHD will say "The forum designed it!", it was 99.9999% him, and we shouldn't try to sell for 20$ what cost us 6$ to make.
It really only seems fair and logical. If there is enough interest in these drivers, I may sell them for somewhere between 12-15$, and donate the extra (after 8$, that is) to the forum. Even at 15$, these would be cheaper than anything else (that isn't a chinese piece of crap).
Just my thought, let me know what you all think