I finally got mine. It is new style focus, front piece rotates as a whole, no tool needed. Only single lens element is there, quite weak convex lens, rest is inside, and not moving.
Yeas .. the dot is nothing much, there is some halo. The beam is not straight. Yes .. but I'm otherwise it looks really well. The power seems to be there, it burns through CD case in 5 seconds (where my 200mW red in 10 seconds and 1.5W 445nm under one second).
Beam is pretty nice, and I can confirm it's a bit elliptical. Not sure if it is higher modes kicking in or something else. For sure it's not double dot.
Edit: yeah, it's modes .. I unscrewed the lens, and without lens you can see it changes modes a lot, few times per second from start. There is always many modes, with modes like TEM22 present, maybe some even more complex. Combination of TEM00 and TEM01 is the most strong, and it appears most of the time, which makes the dot look rectangular. The other modes are much less pronounced, and much less stable. Certainly I would call this multimode laser. It does no seem to have impact on divergence or beam, which at first glance looks great, also due large exit aperture.
I will do full review later, when I have time, I will also do some IR tests (using webcam without IR filter).