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FrozenGate by Avery

NUBM44 6W+ 450nm Laser Diode

I can't get over how large your lasers are Alaskan. I think we need a new category such as "bi-hand" or something. You need a clip on each end for a carry strap:)
By the way, I think you asked me a couple months ago if I had built any single modes. Besides for already building a bunch of bdr 405nm I just picked up all the more powerful single mode diodes DTR sells last week and am working on the builds. What I mean by more powerful is instead of a 120mW 638nm I chose a 180mW 638nm.
Build on. Burn on (for RedCowboy).

I really want to build them bigger, but then they become unwieldy, a six inch diameter lens is big enough, but I have a 12 inch diameter PCX lens I'd like to build into something someday, that will be more than two hander though.

I love single modes because they can put more energy into a tighter spot at a great distance than multimode diodes can, for a given lens diameter, but their beam isn't very bright, trade offs!

180mw is a lot of power for single mode :) I don't have any single modes that powerful except IR diodes I'd like to build into something someday.

Chris, you must try the LPC-836 single mode as I have one that puts out over 350mW. I had some trouble with the LPC-840s, but might try to see if I can get over 400mW with one of these again.
I've been looking at those and the 840, had not pulled the trigger on one yet. I'd like to PBS combine single mode diodes to increase the power while keeping the spots together into one beam instead of knife edging. I've been pondering how to best combine more than two single mode diodes, not sure the best way to do that to combine several of them together, one on top of the other. Although RCB has been thinking about PBS combining a few diodes together, up to 4 MM, I think.
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I never really thought about combining them before, but they have a very nice tight beam with a G-2 lens. It is just as tight as the 12X 405nm diodes are. I had three 840 and blew all three going for a higher power. I ended up selling my a fourth to another member, but it was not set at that illusive +400mW.
I love the tight low divergence beam a single mode can make, but don't like how dim the beam is due to their power power, so combining several into one beam is the solution, still thinking about how to combine them. I believe RCB has a four diode project in mind for multimode diodes, I could adapt that to single mode and have a decent amount of output.
I've never even heard of those other LPC diodes. I can tell you for a fact that you can push the 826 to just over 400mW with a G lens though. I have build a whole bunch of them into Altoid type tins and set the AixiZ drivers just past regulation (turn the pot just past the max point) and used 2 LiFePO4 for 7.4V max as any more will blow the diode). I then just stick the standard acrylic lens in as G lenses are too expensive to use in them. They have really good power density so they burn well. If you set that driver to max in regulation the diodes will output about 260mW and you can use a couple regular lithiums.
Where are you guys getting those other diodes from? I've posted this in a couple places and here is the link again for 5 826 for really cheap:
5pcs Mitsubishi 660nm Red Laser TO18 5 6mm LD Diode 200mW 300mW CW LPC826 | eBay

By the way, I just bought a couple diodes that I have't built with yet that are on their way. The 12x 405nm and the 120 638nm. Figured I might as well since I did the other single modes. He's out of the 170 638nm single mode but that one is expensive (in comparison).
I pushed that 180 638nm to just over 400MW but backed it down slightly to about 380mW. That diode can handle being pushed from my testing and I pushed the 515nm to 202mW. Can't remember what I pushed the PL450B to without looking but it also has a strong output compared to the rating.
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Pman, I'm impressed. I had a lot of trouble trying to get my LPC-840s to over 400mW. I thought I had done well by getting 365mW out of my LPC-836. Yet you have gotten over400mW out of LPC-826s.
Hi Red Cowboy,

On your multiple LD design you first shape the beams with cylindricals, then waveplate, then PBS, then knife edge. Have you calculated the cost of such an optical set? Is there any reason to do it exaclly this way?

Why not first knife edge, then waveplate/PBS, then shape.

I only think of the economy!
What ever works the best and most cost effective is good for me.
As the corrected beams are still small rectangles I was thinking of knife edging so that they fit together like lll but with additional correction it could be done differently.

Feel free to illustrate any ideas you have, I love to see it. :)
I just built a laser with the nubm44, x drive sdx 4.5A fixed, Rick Trent heatsink, and two 26650's in an MX900 host.

Bought the diode and driver from DTR. As usual, impeccable service!:thanks:

I definitely see why everyone is trying different lenses. I have many lenses that I've been trying. So far I like the three elements the best. Its funny, I have lots of three element lenses and I've noticed a large difference in spot size between them. The threaded retainer is tight, the only thing I can think of is the maybe some of the lenses are inserted backward.
I have been through the same thing, there may or may not have been a small change made on lens shape from time to time, but if the 2 lens and the spacer are not settled in and tightened down, that can change it's spot size and focus depth.

I often use the G2 and a 6X cylindrical pair and/or the SANWU 3X expander, it's a fun expander that works well.

A NUBM44 with any lens and a SANWU 3X expander is a fun burner.
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I would like to start a custom build with this beast...
What do you think about (3x26650 in series)x2 in parallel (total 6 batts) ? Does this make sense for longer running times without having to swap the batts more often ?

Do I have to dissipate heat on the driver (sxd @4.5amps) ? How do I hold it on the heatsink ?
This seems a long journey to achieve my goal...
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Hi! i hope i am in the right place...
I have some time ago bought a NUBM44 6W Diode for using in my CNC for cutting stuff. Lack of better knowledge made me choose this diode so now i will have to make the best of it.
To counter the bad beam characteristics I have tried playing with some lenses but i suck at this so please help me :D
I bought a set of correction lenses (win or loose) on e-bay in hope of being able to improve my cnc cutting reslults.

My biggest problem beam shape all my cuts look like they have been done with a caligraphy pen - The cut is Wide in one direction and thin in the other.
Second problem contrast - The focused spot is blurry. I have 2 times the power i need in the center of the spot but no matter how I Experiment with Focal length Power and speed the cut does not get sharp edges... It is like using a blowtorch to cut paper...
Any help would be appreciated...
Hi! i hope i am in the right place...
I have some time ago bought a NUBM44 6W Diode for using in my CNC for cutting stuff. Lack of better knowledge made me choose this diode so now i will have to make the best of it.
To counter the bad beam characteristics I have tried playing with some lenses but i suck at this so please help me :D
I bought a set of correction lenses (win or loose) on e-bay in hope of being able to improve my cnc cutting reslults.

My biggest problem beam shape all my cuts look like they have been done with a caligraphy pen - The cut is Wide in one direction and thin in the other.
Second problem contrast - The focused spot is blurry. I have 2 times the power i need in the center of the spot but no matter how I Experiment with Focal length Power and speed the cut does not get sharp edges... It is like using a blowtorch to cut paper...
Any help would be appreciated...

It occurred to me that you might be able to take advantage of the longer FL lenses and cut the edges off leaving the center alone to do your cutting. There really isn't another optical system that will work well for this diode to do what you want it to.
That might help with the 2:d issue! Gr8 idea! What about the first issue? anything to do?
Yeah, the problem is that is just the wrong diode for that purpose. You be better off with an NDB7875. It gives you three watts with a G lens, costs $45.00 and has a much better beam profile. Drive it at 2.4 amps and with good focus, you should see a marked improvement. Other than that, IDK.
