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FrozenGate by Avery


All I can say is num num num. dinners ready. Hope they do it that would be a nice diode.
Well that didn't take long.

I think I'll give one of the recanned ones a shot, maybe even with some corrective optics to tame the divergence a bit
They also have the NUBM0A, NUBM0E and the NUBM0F re-canned now and the 0F looks promising, I've tested the others and they are 7W+ but the 0F could be a tick stronger.

The recanned NUBM0G came in and its not as efficient as my G-ball one

G-Ball only 7.1W @ 5A (471nm)
Recan w/ G2 6.5W @ 5A (469nm)

Less power and less wavelength shift, but still a very nice diode. I also took a moment to compare it next to a NUBM44, both with G2's, since they seem to be the standard measuring stick for bad divergence diodes. They look like they might differ ever so lightly with the NUBM0G be slightly smaller but overall they are pretty much the same.

NUBM44 left and NUBM0G right


NUBM44 top and NUBM0G bottom

I compared the re-canned 465nm diode I got to a NUBM44 both with a G2 and the divergence appears to be about the same, maybe they sent you a re-canned 465nm like I got in place of a NUBM0G.

Mine does 6W @ 4.1 - 4.2A with a G2 lens.

********** NOTE: Something I have discovered is a dirty lens can rob a lot of power even if it doesn't look all that dirty and the beam doesn't look much weaker, just touching the lens with your finger can impart body oils that can trim 25% or more off your LPM reading, so double check your reading with a fresh new G2 lens if you have one. **********
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Thanks for the tests @Gryphon! Damn that seems much less efficient than @loreadarkshade's test, his shows over 8W at 5A using the same lens.
My LPM was calibrated against DTRs, which I suspect is reading too high. I have ordered a sanwu LPM and still waiting for it in the mail, I will re-measure all my diodes as I also suspected my readings were too high

Gryphon's readings are probably more accurate imo
Thanks for the tests @Gryphon! Damn that seems much less efficient than @loreadarkshade's test, his shows over 8W at 5A using the same lens.
I am also using a full copper backed heatsink, not an open 9mm aixis module or DTR module which has a recess in it.

See here: https://laserpointerforums.com/threads/25mm-dtr-laser-module.110986/

this means the diode can push a little more power compared to DTR's copper module, see images below
I also use quality thermal paste to make full diode to heatsink contact
You would be surprised how much thermal management affects power!

I am waiting on my Sanwu LPM to confirm the real readings at 5A, I will compare my full copper block to DTR's copper block as well
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maybe they sent you a re-canned 465nm like I got in place of a NUBM0G.

double check your reading with a fresh new G2 lens if you have one.
Its certainly a possibility. I noticed this diode creates a fair bit more waste heat than my G-ball one.

No luck, tried a fresh one and it was the same. She's either a low performer, not happy from being recanned, or its not a true NUBM0G. I have a LaserTree 465 4.1W diode, I'm gonna compare it to that later today and see if maybe I just got sent another on of those instead
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Just to put it out here since I had multiple 0F and 0A to test also x4 0G these new efficient family vary wavelength by nm in same block is easy to find a ~3-5nm difference at same current. Appropriate cooling is very very important. The diode base makes great contact with copper heatsink that is why I designed the MHS with same slot nichia uses 2.5mm height x 5.0mm lenght just barely any space for 21Awg wires with heatshrink sleeve I use high quality thermal paste the good stuff we use for cpu overclocking. All my 0F and 0G have been tested decanned with either a G2 shorty lens or a G8 lens brand new first time use. The highest peak power was achieved on a 0F @ 5A with G2 shorty cold start 9.74W retested to check 9.46W.

Edit: Forgot to mention my 0F and 0G are virgin pins never soldered @loreadarkshade extracted 0G and I extracted 0F with lowest temperature possible...
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