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Nova lasers Atlantis 445nm!

The Atlantis had a momentary on switch and an aperture cover...I say had because it no longer appears in the Nova catalog.

Hmm... Seems that the Atlantis is no longer available on Nova's site:
Atlantis - Novalasers Inc.
Maybe they are having difficulties getting the diodes to be stable TEM00 at that power "<1W".:thinking:
The Atlantis had a momentary on switch and an aperture cover...I say had because it no longer appears in the Nova catalog.

are you sure about momentary on?
here i read Untitled Page

ON/off button. I REALLY HOPE this host(or at least this atlantis) has the MOMENTARY...... if yes i will 100% buy this.... because it is smaller.. and buch button.. :)
Hmm, I'm not sure then...but as I said, the Atlantis doesn't show up in Nova's catalog anymore so it doesn't matter much anymore :undecided:
hm. Wonder what happened then to orders that had already been placed. This whole 445 situation is getting weird.
I tried calling them to ask what happened, but an automated message said, "Our phone services are temporarily disabled. If you would like to contact us, please send an email to sales@novalasers.com" So I did just that and sent them an email. However, I had sent them an email to them about 5 days ago asking if batteries are included however they haven't responded to that yet. Weird.
I know that the human eye is most sensitive to green light. But I'm considering the relative intensities also. I suppose the graph does not.
I'd be very surprised if 500mW of 445nm "looks" dimmer than 75mW of 532nm.

Hi Tony,
Why would you be surprised?
10 Watts even 100 Watts of CO2 or IR "looks" dimmer than 1mw of 532nm.
The human eye response is not flat at all and 532nm is near the peak of the eye response while 445nm is right near the lower end of the response curve.
Hi Tony,
Why would you be surprised?
10 Watts even 100 Watts of CO2 or IR "looks" dimmer than 1mw of 532nm.
The human eye response is not flat at all and 532nm is near the peak of the eye response while 445nm is right near the lower end of the response curve.

Those high powered CO2 gas lasers operate in the deep IR spectrum. They are very far away from visible light and their wavelengths are measured in micro meters not nano meters. The human eye picks up literally nothing of that, you're right.

My point is if the human eye is most sensitive to green light (100%) then 445nm light of the same intensity will "appear" about 70% dimmer.

So if you've got 500mW of 445nm light, even if the eye can only perceive 30% of that it will still "look" brighter than a 75mW 532nm laser. 30% of 500mW is 150mW which is brighter than 75mW.

Are you saying that is is impossible to make a 445nm laser that "looks" brighter than any 532nm laser regardless of it's power?

Members who have made them already say that 500+mW of 445nm light looks just as bright as moderately powerful green lasers.

They replied to my email:
Thank you for your interest in the Atlantis-1 laser.

We are currently reviewing some details of the Atlantis-1 laser pre-order - we will answer your questions and inform you of current developments early next week.

Best Regards.

Magdalena Gudzowska,
Sales Director
can we get some feedback from the people that have placed an order//preorder on the atlantis?

have you guys got a single response from the manufacturer?
can we get some feedback from the people that have placed an order//preorder on the atlantis?

have you guys got a single response from the manufacturer?

See my post above ^ I preordered it about a week or 2 ago. They said they'd respond back with more information in a couple days.

Yeah i noticed that yesterday, not sure when i did notice it...

its been like that past two days.. read the forums Sir.

noone knows why, and this thread should be closed.

DAve, do the honors.

this has been mentioned in two other threads already.

please delete this, as noone knows ANY information as to WHY. :) kay?

can u provide link to the other post or topic please ?
