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NO LONGER FS(GONE): CNI 473nm Handheld, >80mW will do middleman

Err. I meant PGL. GLP and PGL share common letters and all that. It's the same host as our 589s =p

Also, note: it does seem to like to be really cool. It just seems like the heatsinking properties are really crappy or something, because we are talking 30 minutes of cool down time from 20 seconds of on-time in order to reach the same output -.-
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Why are you even here, lman? You're not funny, it's just obnoxious. Taking up space and not contributing anything. We can only have one TJ.
At 75 degrees

Sorry about the heavy breathing
Allergies had my nose all stuffed up :(

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Alright. Well it's like this laser is out to prove me wrong or something, because every time I go to try to record it starting out high and then dropping low at about 15 seconds, it decides to go for longer. I just ran it for 90 seconds above 100mW. That's a win in my book... I am calling this one good. Maybe it really does just need a lot of rest.

But yeah - I rescind all comments. I did get what I thought I was getting: a >120mW blue. It just needs a lot of rest, apparently. I just wish it had the durational stability of my 589. But I suppose that comes with the crystals being different.


Anyway, I did a test, and it help it for a while.

However, 5 minutes after the test I just ran, I ran this test:


Is that normal? Requiring more than 5 minute cool down? -.-
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as I said in PM, the amount of time it takes to cool down will depend very heavily on how hot you got it to start with and how cool/warm/hot the air is

Also air movement will effect this time frame

The heat has to move from the heat sink out into the air

Did you guys just totally ignore my last post? This laser was supposed to be traded along with a LG Vega to me for my Sennheiser HD800 headphones.

I have never received anything from zdarkazn and I have no idea if the headphones ever reached him or not.

So my question is the following: How come Wolfman29 received this laser when it was supposedly shipped off to me. The guy even sent me a picture of the receipt with a tracking number.

Can anyone explain what is going on here?

It appears you have yet to understand stability Issues with 473nm laser in Handheld.

That Chart you Showed Is NORMAL.

In fact Not Bad.

Here is a LPM video Of My New 473nm laser That I bought Directly from CNI:

The video was started about 30 seconds late to try to save time when i shot it for a Friend to watch.:) I do Have Full RUn tests too But dint upload them yet.:) Watch the Whole video though. At the end when it starts to Drop If I let it continue to drop it will keep dropping all the way down to Probably 10mW. THIS IS NEVER GOOD TO DO.

I have never let it drop bellow 80mW on the Drop off. Normal i dont let it get less then 100mW. I know my Duty Cycle to not allow it to drop off bellow that its <2 minutes. After I use the laser I will not touch or run this laser again for at least 1 hour at the very least. More like a couple hours.

This is due to the crystal getting Warm/Hot. 473nm is extremely Temp sensitive as people mention.

You must get familiar with your laser. This is totally different then "Diode Laser" and even your 589nm laser. 589nm is more stable then 473nm.

Always only run the laser from a Cold Start. NEVER when its still warm within a previous Use/Run. You will burn out your Crystal and make it even more Inefficient and then it will be truly dead.

I did some work on a 473nm laser that died that i ended up fixing on my own again to a working condition and this has made me understand how Temp sensitive these 473nm really are.

The Only thing i can say is Let it cool down Completely before you run it again. You will never get the same peak as the first time on the second and third run. Fallow a Less then 2 minute duty cycle or never let it drop below 80mW.

If your Laser is Getting Warm you are running it to long.! I mean if you feel any warm coming off the laser you are running it to long.

Is This a True CNI Laser or is this From Laser*ever. Have you Confirmed this. Iam not doughing the OP is telling the truth or not just wondering. The way you can tell i figured out if its a CNI laser but is not 100% all the time right is IF the Laser came in a Anti static bag with the Model write on the bag. The second way you can tell is you will see a serial code sticker down by where you insert the battery. If the laser does not have these 2 things most likely not 100% of the time but most likely it is not from CNI. I Just got a CNI 80 The one in the video and it had this. I asked 2 people to check this on there Laser*ver version and it dint have this. This has nothing to do with your problem but figured i would say it as Iam sure it crossed your mind.

I Just find it Extremely Low Priced to be one that was Bought from CNI as i can tell you that is less then Half the Price for a New One directly from them and that price is 50$ more then a new one directly from Laser*ever costs.

Just Curious and my .02 cents.:undecided:
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Hey, thanks. I guess I just wasn't aware exactly HOW temperature sensitive these 473s are. I suppose mine is in perfect working order, and now I feel bad for getting all this drama started.

Anyway, yeah, it's true CNI. Has the serial number on it.
Sweet Deal then.:beer:

Looking at that chart that is Pretty good.

I probably only run my 473nm laser 2x a day or 3 MAX. This is where i get the best results. Its Never back to back its usually a few hours apart.

I think you just got to get use to it. Its Nothing like a Labby thats for sure.
Yeah. It's unfortunate that I can't use it for long periods of time like my 589 :( Are 593s like this too?
LOL 594nm laser are so much worse.LOL You will probably freak out with one of those.:crackup:

You can get lucky and get a somewhat stable one but it took me 3 different 594m, laser to find this one that is stable for around a minute and a half before it starts to bug out.
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