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new to scanners

yes all scanners are pre tuned but they are not perfect.

your scan pro 20s will work fine without tuning.

just dont expect perfection
Rather than starting a new thread i figured i'd throw a quick post in here. I've found locally some "catweazle" 30K scanners with the controller board that the scanner connect to, and a 200mw green labby with psu. I don't quite understand exactly what i need, software and/or hardware wise to control the "catweazle" gear.

Is it going to be wrth the money (scanners ~USD80, labby ~USD145). I'm just starting out on the laser stuff, and i'm thinking this might be a big step in the beginning and i have no idea how often this kind of stuff comes up (esp locally in Australia). With the restrictions on importing more powerful lasers i'm seriously considering juts buying the green lab laser even if i don't end up with the scanners as i know it would be hard to get.

I have looked on PL, but couldn't find much (if any) info on the catweazle gear, which means its rubbish or its ancient (some links to threads with info were 404's).

i personally have never heard of catweazle scanners but they are 30k and if they work thats a good deal non the less.

i would personally jump on it, im pretty sure you will not find another deal like this especially locally.

the only other thing you would need is a DAC and software.

you could get the sound card dac and use free programs such as laserboy or spaghetti.
oh gosh this thread is not the place to discuss this.. lol

i think the best idea is to just play with it and spend some time learning. i personally have spent +15 hours on the phone with james (creator of laserboy) talking about what all it can do and having him walk me through how it works.

its a very powerful program but it takes some patience to learn.

i still cant really draw with it very well but i can do some pretty cool effects to .ild frames

actually now that i think about it james just started a thread on pl of how to use part of it.

keep checking it out it is an on going thread.

so if i put a switch between 4 and 17 i can turn it on and off.what about 13
13 is only useful if you have a shutter. that is left untouched if you dont.

and yes bridge the 4 and 17 or hook it to an emergency stop button.

what do you mean by powering the actual scanners? like the whole thing like lasers galvos and fans?


each laser will have its own ac to dc psu and the galvos will too.

so you can run a ac power cord to one of the psu's and then bridge the connections to each psu you have.
jamilm9 said:
i know how to do the lasers.So the galovs need 120volt

yes they also have an external psu that takes ac in just like the lasers.

some scanners also have 2 psu since they need + and - voltage but all the ones i have seen are now combined into one psu for simple use.
yep :)

or something like this...
yeah i want a key switch to turn it on a big switch like a breaker nice and big and one like that.so when they are shorted it turns off.
