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"new" pics 5/15/16

Aug 3, 2012
These pics were taken about a month ago using 10 glass tubes filled with water and set up in a "wide "V" formation on top of two long mirrors. To start with I used two 405, 460, 520, 589, and one 650 and one 638nms shining behind the glass tubes to get distortion of the beams thru the water in the tubes. I eventually added a glass sphere and another rainbow (593.5 instead of a 589 & 473 instead of 460) thru the tubes behind the sphere, and later in the front of it making a nice triangle. The last few I tried using a 532 thru a fan diffraction grating but I do not think it added anything positive to what I was trying to do. Photographing from various angles and using different lenses you see what you see. There are subtle differences in them and hopefully they do not look to repetitive. Enjoy


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Amazing stuff, just awesome. Bruce, your pics are like the bonus you get for being a member of lpf! The sphere appears to be levitating in some.
You did it again....
That is a nice set, I love the big glass ball in the V, that's quite artistic.

Enjoyed the pics enough to go back and look a couple more times. :gj:
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Superb, as always Bruce! :beer:
A few of those photos with the glass sphere and tubes shot from above remind me of some type of futuristic laser bowling. I can almost see the sphere rolling through those tubes!
:kewlpics: +rep!
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+REP from me too. I feel stupid taking beam shots after looking at your stuff.
I agree with the too much green. There's always that line where too much is too much. The second to last shot was too much but the bottom one is on that edge.
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Thanks everyone!!

Electricplasma - I use a Nikon D5200 camera.

Bowtie guy - Here are some "laser bowling" shots I took in March, no bowling bowl though

I'm always impressed with your beam shots. I never tire of seeing them. I'd rep you again, but it won't let me right now. Thanks.

Love the fisheye shots! You do have an eye for the unusual.
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Awesome and beautiful photos once again.

Bruce --you're the best! You take beam shots to a whole new level and consistently reinvent your art coming up with exceptional images---you have a serious talent!

Thanks for posting them---keep after YellowKorner people.
Bruce, as lasers are our drug of choice, you are most definitely the dealer. I like the less busy shots. Interesting how you're taking the shots to produce a curved appearance to the beams.
Where can I get some laser stands, that preferably hold multiple lasers for <$30. I've tried ebay, but all I seem to find is surveying equipment...maybe I'm using the wrong search terms? Nothing comes back with a google query either.
