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FrozenGate by Avery

New Laser Build >7W/445nm!

Oct 6, 2015
This is an >7W laser build
Check out how clean it looks, :pop:


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Wow you've been busy! Well done, that's a whole lot of photons being pushed out there. Don't burn your spiders. :crackup:
Enjoy your new builds. :bowdown:
Nice clean looking build you've got there, Alien! :gj:
Is that SL's S4X host?
The Batteries used are AW IMR 18650 / :)

Nice Survival Lasers SX4 host build. What is the duty cycle of that >7W?

Survival Lasers hosts kits make it so easy and fast to put a build together ---great looking host also.
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Nice clean build but it looks a little small for the heat being generated. How long a runtime can you get before it heats up too much for comfort.
Nice build i have an SX4 host sitting if i put in a 44 the sink will be extended with cooling ribs in CU. never the less an awesome build Kudos to you buddy. Nice..

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Ok, then it is 2x18650 Efest or Panasonic :thinking:

There are a lot of battery types and makers ---why would it be those 2?

See just a few of them: https://www.imrbatteries.com/18650-batteries/

See an AW Dealer here: https://www.rtdvapor.com/aw/

I just have to ask:can:
Really 3D, all this time on the forum and you haven't heard about AW battery's?:whistle:

Nothing to say so invents a meaningless silly anything apparently, from the many nonsense posts wasting bandwidth and peoples time looking.
Just posts to post, evidently, not for any other reason then he wonders why he has zero reps/so many negative reps?? lol
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I have to ask:
What do you do with such a powerful handheld laser?
If you use it indoors, you'll scorch anything the beam touches within a 10 meter radius, you can't admire the color without the filter of protective eyewear, and you can't show it off to friends unless you buy extra eyewear.

The main problem I see is that the radius within which you can start fires is much too small and people from the next town over won't be able to see the beam on the mountainside because the beam width will be too large. The secondary problem is that if you have to buy spare eyewear for friends, they probably aren't into lasers.
