Vaproizer: I bought the laser because it was listed as "includes DC power supply." In my (apparently innexperienced) world, that means it comes with a power supply that I can simply plug into the wall.
Well, it didn't, and the seller told me "the circuit board is the power supply."
Maybe to you guys that's obvious, but I think most people who aren't electronics experts would have seen it my way.
So I came in here looking for help. Asking how to power that thing is NOT the same as asking "where can I get a green laser" or "how do I burn stuff?"
If people think my request is just too simple and I should come to the forums with that sort of knowledge already in hand, then change the name to "LPF for experienced folks only." Or an even better solution is to simply ignore the thread and not post in it.
And if a mod really suspects someone of being a troll, in an adult world he would close the thread and issue a warning - not support imature posts ridiculing the poster.
On a board that asks people to donate, that basic level of professionalism should be expected.