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ndrew2505 and Modwerx

I like the way you doctored that PM drew ;) nice touch. you took a 6 paragraph PM, and RE-WORDED it the way you wanted it to look. and even added a line from a PM i havent seen!

hrmm.. when i search for that string of text, or any portion of it through any of our PM's, it doesnt show up! what a surprise!

Maybe i'll start the practice of FABRICATING QUOTES to make ones self look better. Not so sure how well that'll work out for you in the long run Drew. But i'd say that isnt a very good reflection of your customer service in any way.

Even Andrew from modwerx is capable of lying people ;)

Just thought i'd post that relevent information here for all to see

Tyler - Dark Lasers

ill post the whole pm for everyone to see to show how much of a douche youve been as well as some of our previous conversations... people will find out what your all about then... its not my fault you were going to charge tom 20$ to fix his laser and i offered to do it for free! grow up dude.
Did i say it was your fault? $20 is what i charge, everyone knows that lol, you really think this is what thats about dont you?


I simply added a hint of truth to your self-bloating post in wich you used me, as a way to try and make yourself look better.

I never said you had bad customer service lol, stop being all paranoid and giddy.

Drew does have good customer service

Tyler - Dark Lasers
Guys cool it lol, you both own great shops and both have your own unique pluses!

Try to remember we are all here in the interest of progressing the laser hobby for the forum and for others to enjoy, if you wanna argue about who's better take it somewhere else :)
May I add to Modwerx rep?
It ain't exactly something exeptionally huge, but after ordering 2 phr sleds and 2 gitd caps, i found 3 gitd caps in the package.
Small things that make ppl happy :D:D:D

BTW ndrew 2505 you are the owner of modwerx?
A while ago I order a PHR sled from Drew and I ordered an extra Aixiz acrylic lens because I botched up one and needed a lens for a module. He sent me an entire Aixiz module instead of just a lens! Thanks Drew!
I've ALSO done business with drew in the past & was always treated with kindness, respect, & everything that I ordered came in a minimum amount of time & was well packaged. He made me feel as if I was his only customer. Great job drew, with everything you do !!!!!!!................................rob
You better watch it drew....i'm going to stalk you on xbox live.....and then i'm gonna join all your games and....TEAM KILL! muahahahahaha
lol i havent even played online since i moved... the router is in the living room and my xbox is in my room. my roomates xbox is in there but his g/f is always in there watching tv. ive got another router on the way to use as a wireless bridge but as soon as i get it ive got to flash it with dd-wrt and then set it all up.. im waiting for some cod4...

got a new 47" tv too so you better watch out cuz i can see you comin now! hahaha
hey is the "36 units in stock" on the 14500 2-pack batteries accurate?

i'm going to need to order 20 of them on friday. (so 40 batteries total).

if you've got them in stock i'd rather just buy them off your site then wait on shipping from china.
i just counted inventory yesterday and i have 31x 2packs in stock now. i need to update the site with the new counts... send me a pm/email whenever your ready and ill give you some $ off since your buying in bulk.
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ndrew2505 is a great guy! I did some "work" for him and he rewarded me very kindly! His PM's are extremely fast and all replys are detailed and accurate! I can vouch for him any day! also his work with my first PHR was great! He was fast, affordable and skilled! all round great guy!

i sure do. i do anything i can for ppl within reason. all you have to do is ask! ;)
Yeah I'd like to ask you, in Modules section, there is aixiz module (says focusable in title) and some other module type I''ve never seen before, and it does not say Focusable. What is that?
And yeah, within a month I'll be ordering some extra phr's and sh't, remind me to include something extra in paypal, for te extra cap :D
its just another type of module. they are focusable and all the lenses that fit the aixiz modules will fit those as well. they come with an ar coated lens for reds.. ;)
