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FrozenGate by Avery

NDG700 vs

Mar 20, 2013
Hi guys.

I completed my NDB7875 today and it’s a beast. My previous blue build was with an M140 and was maybe 1.2 watts whereas this one is likely around 2.4 watts.. I’ve never been able to set things on fire before lol!

Needless to say I’ve got the laser bug bad now. I want to go for a near 1 watt green since my most powerful greenie I built in the past was a little over 100mw.

My first question is about the NDG diodes. Obviously the 7475 is better then the 700 however DTR does not currently have any stock, but they do have the 700’s. Is it worth holding out for the 7475 or do you think I would be happy with the 700?

I would consider one of the NUG diodes if someone could convince me.. from what I gather the beam quality isn’t as good? Sorry for the noob questions lol; I’ve pretty much narrowed it down to the NDG diodes, just don’t want to regret not waiting for the 7475 to come back in stock 🙈

It takes twice the output power to visually see about half again as much brightness, so there's not a huge perceived difference as far as what you can see with your naked eye between the ndg700 and ndg7475 and nugm03......I would NOT wait for DTR to get 7475 back in stock, I expect a lot of people get the nugm03 as it's the best deal $$ but the ndg700 is a good laser diode, all mine have held up very well and you don't have to rip the can off the 700 like you do with the 03 so there's also that.
It takes twice the output power to visually see about half again as much brightness, so there's not a huge perceived difference as far as what you can see with your naked eye between the ndg700 and ndg7475 and nugm03......I would NOT wait for DTR to get 7475 back in stock, I expect a lot of people get the nugm03 as it's the best deal $$ but the ndg700 is a good laser diode, all mine have held up very well and you don't have to rip the can off the 700 like you do with the 03 so there's also that.
Thanks for the input!
Got me looking a little closer at the NUG03. When purchasing from DTR, I have the option of getting it with the stock lens but my question is: if I order it with the G8 lens for instance, will it come decanned? Or will it arrive with the gball in tact with a G8 on top of that?
If you order the 03 with a glass lens of your choice the 03 will have no ball lens and will be an open can diode. There is a choice in the drop down box for the lens choice.
I’ve been thinking about this too. I haven’t seen a direct comparison, would anybody know how the divergence compares between the NDG7475 and the NUGM03? Thanks!
If you order the 03 with a glass lens of your choice the 03 will have no ball lens and will be an open can diode. There is a choice in the drop down box for the lens choice.
Thanks Rich. The NDG700 isn’t an open can, it’s “sealed” right? Between the two diodes which would you choose?
Thats no problem , the 700 caned diode. The 03 one can will last , the green diode open last . Compared to the blue open can diodes.
There's always those recanned diodes with FAC. Reviews seem pretty positive and I'm thinking about those for my next build.
I just compared a 700 and an 03 both with G8 lenses and the divergence appears to be identical.
In the past I always just used the simple 3 element lenses. When I recently built my 2.5w blue, I ordered it with the G8 lens and I'm very happy with it! Beam quality seems great and of course she burns like a motha =D
There's always those recanned diodes with FAC. Reviews seem pretty positive and I'm thinking about those for my next build.
When it comes to buying diodes DTR is an easy choice, always a good experience. Are there any other reputable places to order diodes from? For instance, they are out of stock of the big boy 7W blue diodes and they don't know if/when they'll get more. If someone wanted to get that diode do they have other options to purchase it from?
I’m unfamiliar with what you mean by FAC, can you please fill me in?
Fast Axis Correction if I'm not mistaken. It corrects the fast axis which is the cause of that huge line in multimode output diodes
Fast Axis Correction if I'm not mistaken. It corrects the fast axis which is the cause of that huge line in multimode output diodes
oh that’s awesome, i didn’t know we had fast axis correction available for these diodes! where are they available from?

EDIT: nevermind i found some 1.5W 525nm FAC diodes with a square spot on ebay. very cool!
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The FAC upgraded diodes with a square spot output needs a much longer FL lens to focus at distance.


The FAC upgraded diodes with the line output you can use with our normal lenses and have improved divergence if I understand what Drake said over on discord correctly and I believe I do, I haven't bought any yet ( well I just did actually ) as I prefer c-lens correction, however I would like to build a knife edge array with several after I test the one I have ordered, now the square output FAC diode I have in the nubm08 unit and it's the one in my pic, it won't focus worth a dam with our normal lenses ( G2, G3, 3E, G7, G8 ) but will focus to point at distance with a bigger/longer focal length lens, I expect these are made for the home hobby cnc makers and the line output for improved display beams....Soo you want the FAC diodes red, green or blue with the line output for your pointer builds and you should have improved divergence, I will try to post results of mine when I get it.
