That's a beautiful laser host Chris190577. I have one of those from Blord too and it's in one of my two "special" cases. Actually have a spare host (complete flashlight) just in case something goes wrong.
Quite the shine job on those beautiful units Smeer. Must have put some serious work into those. Happen to have another pic showing all of that one that looks like it has wood?
Nwfreefly, nice looking units in a great case. Like how you are able to display them.
My pleasure on the pens and stuff.
Thinking maybe I could take a pic of each case of lasers and post them different days. I used to have a lot of my stuff in my sig but just started feeling too edgy about listing so many even though I am extremely responsible with them, RARELY bring one outside, we are empty nesters and except for some pen units in various places in the house the cases are out of site. Other than my wife (who really isn't interested in them) hardly anyone knows what I have and I wouldn't be surprised if any neighbor has ever seen me with one.
Think I'm taking it too far? I'll post the first case shortly.
PLEASE keep in mind that I built a ton of inexpensive units as therapy to help distract me from my kidney pain issues. Most of what you will see is low cost hosts with low cost 532nm modules with outputs ranging from 15mW to 141mW or way over-spec $4-5 Ebay pens modified to be focus-able plus most were built when I was still working before being out on Workers Comp for a bad shoulder injury that occurred in February. I fully realize how ridiculous it looks to have so many but it sure helped me deal with the pain issues. Don't know what's going to happen but I may end up having to sell all of them this year depending upon what happens. Don't like thinking about that as I like giving stuff away for free with no strings attached. It's going to be a VERY interesting 2015 for me.
The top part can slip right out but also stays in place very well. I modified a few of the pockets by removing some of the stitching. Cases are Harbor Freight that I've gotten on sale for just over $20. Think they usually cost about $30.
Yellow labels are for 100mW and above although some units may have a clear label with black writing that could be any rating. All labeled with peak power. All pens over 50mW have been made focus-able as I used whether or not it could light a match or not as my decision to focus or not.
Unfortunately I didn't make most of the units that are not pens focusable because frankly I didn't think of doing it. All you have to do with the modules is rotate the top section as that's where the lens is. Might go back and change some of them BUT some were put together in a way that holds the top section tight and may have been epoxied in place.
Pics just to show they are actually separated with sleeves and there's a divider between top and bottom.