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My 10 years on LPF

BTW Maybe there will be needed even super vet section for those being here 10+ years. :D :crackup:

Happy Anniversary!

Most traditions usually call for blowing out the candles for these sort of celebrations.
I haven't been a member here for very long, but I have a hunch that 'round these parts a milestone like this would involve lighting the candles instead!
Probably accomplished with a laser equipped droid @10 paces? :D

Congrats! :can: :gun:
Happy Anniversary!

Most traditions usually call for blowing out the candles for these sort of celebrations.
I haven't been a member here for very long, but I have a hunch that 'round these parts a milestone like this would involve lighting the candles instead!
Probably accomplished with a laser equipped droid @10 paces? :D

Congrats! :can: :gun:

:crackup: too funny CE5, You have us pegged so well. :gj:
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Congrats on 10 years! I just want you to know that you are one of the largest reasons I joined LPF and the laser hobby. I was fascinated by your videos and couldn't help but get dragged into this great forum. Thanks for that:):beer:

ps: I had no idea that 476nm diodes existed:eek:
:crackup: too funny CE5, You have us pegged so well. :gj:

Bob, of course this also begs the question. *What's the best wavelength for cutting the cake? :bday: :thinking:
:crackup: that pretty cool. Might, just, maybe touching on overkill, just a tad. :)

It's probably a good thing that I didn't show the video of the 100W Co2 laser slicing a pizza then. :eek:
styropyro must be busy. He hasn't posted since the OP. Still it is nice to have him here, even if it is infrequent.
Congrats styropyro--10+ years --wow---time flies when you are having fun, 10+ years.

That makes you one of the founding members, I would guess.

Didn't LPF begin in 2007 as an offshoot by Wicked Lasers people when WL shut down their forum board?

I think there should be some Official recognition for 10 year or more Vets----maybe a special make-up laser, inscribed or a special badge or a personal Laser Guide Star at 589.159nm + or - .001 nm Something way cool.

Have very much enjoyed your exploits and laser adventures in laser world videos and your many posts here on LPF!!

:beer: Here's to 10 more years!!
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Nice stroll down memory lane.:bday:

The time does fly doesn't it. Feels like yesterday for me. I am still a few years off 10. 7 in a few days but it does blow my mind when I look back on it all. http://laserpointerforums.com/f44/memory-lane-pic-heavy-98033.html

While there are many exceptions I have always looked up to most the members that were here pre 445 as examples of real laser hobbyist/enthusiasts. You really had to be dedicated to be in this hobby back them. Looking back at what some of these guys were doing is just amazing. Pulling apart a $300+ machines for a 20mW diode that was so sensitive if you looked at it wrong it would LED. Having to design every thing from scratch that we take for granted today with much trial and error. You are certainly are a real laser head.

Anyway happy 10 year. It has been a blast working with you on some projects over the years.:beer:
Yeah.... I still have a bunch PHR803T Sleds with diodes
somewhere in the shop from way back then...

