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Missing or absent Members List

You mean me? If so, I'm still here...
Hehe Jay, I know you're still there, amigo! No, that's just a list of people who got me addicted to this hobby of ours :beer:

The only one really missing is Igor, AFAIK...

*Tap Tap Tap*

Is this thing on?

WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME WE NOW HAVE GREEN AND REAL BLUE DIODES ?!?!?!? Hahahaha, seriously, I've been away for awhile and it looks like a lot of the old names are gone too, but I can't believe where the hobby has gone, and ya know - I just might be back to stay!
...I've been away for awhile and it looks like a lot of the old names are gone too...
Unfortunately same here - don't even know what's hot (and what's not) in terms of diodes and power output anymore *sigh*

Just too many hobbies and too little time... more important for me now are things I can enjoy all of the time. I can't whip out a 700mW pointer at the office, nor can I whip out a folder with a 4" blade...

...but now this type of gear I can enjoy everywhere and anytime... :D


But I hope you guys are still pushing the envelope in the hobby-laser branch :wave:
Trav, I totally get it ... I got wrapped up in Custom Golf Carts (finally something I waste time on that's PROFITABLE, hahaha) as well as Nitrogen PCP Air Rifles and Valve Development (long story but feeds my machining jones) - once I migrated into Booking Production Companies and Acts I stopped doing basically anything w Lasers, LED's etc and yeah, true to the rumors I walked from a 12yr+ relationship with my Morale low but my head held high (that in itself ate up a good chunk of time, LOL). Now? Well, at 46 I find myself "Midlife" strangely without a Corvette but with a pretty neat 22yr old as a consolation (long story) and I'm in the middle of selling a couple of properties I grabbed at the crash and finally can see a few $ out of, building myself a new house, etc ... Funny how life goes on, isn't it?

(The 22Y/O is my girlfriend NOT my daughter, BTW, hahahaahaha - Half Albatross, Half trying to figure out why all the PS games are SO much harder to play than anything ATARI ...)

At any rate, it's nice to have lurked (they still say that, right?) for a few days, and it's just a matter of time before the bug bites deeply. Looks like Moh split last fall-ish? I thought that kid was going to drive me 100% nuts when he joined up but dang if he didn't prove his chops along the way and earn his place ... Daguin if You're still alive shoot me a PM, it'd be good to chat. Jayrob and the Egh are still doing the best - Sometimes You just miss family. Now leave me alone, I have Lasers to build and *somehow* an urge to get back on the edge, LOL.
Well guys let me the first to welcome you back to the fold as it were! I am very new to you guys but been around for about a year! Some of the older members have either walked away from the hobby or just dont post much any more! Some have been asked not to come back as drama usually the biggest issue of it! Hope you are back to stay for a while I know that some of newer guys could learn a thing or three from ya .
Thanks, Vort ... Drama hasn't really ever been my "Thing", I spent far too many years earning my Engineering Degree to screw up my Skill Set by being a Douche ...

That said, I've spent a bit more time poking about, and things seem as "Mixed" as ever. My eyes have gone to Hell over the last few years (NOT Your problem) but I've also learned to see what is and isn't worth reading, what appears like someone in need (always a priority if You can help) and what I can ask, beg, lurk, or quietly glean from the ebb and flow of the Forum. Is it likely I will help design the next driver? Probably, but I'll be damned if I can assemble that stuff anymore (The "Eyes" comment above) ... I have a ton of Machining Equipment now, and I've been making money with it - but I'm seriously just learning to do Metric Threads on a lathe that I don't have to bottom and back off on to make them work ...

For now, I'm going to lay back a bit, ask a few ??s and hope the "Old School;" guys can help ease me back into the hobby ... We all started thjis, so I'm sure that will never be an issue :)
Well like I said welcome back. I know what it is like to have issues! Member in trouble thread is me! to much really to type but if you go down to other you find it a couple places from the top. also there is a skype laser chat happening about every night if your so inclined! So older members a few younger and some times goes to the wee hours in the morn but enough of that welcome back
It looks like Tmack is over at CPF, building and selling his lasers to the flashlight guys.
Oh right. Did he fall out with us? I know he lost an eye to an unfortunate slip but I thought he still liked it here.
Oh right. Did he fall out with us? I know he lost an eye to an unfortunate slip but I thought he still liked it here.

He didn't have any certain disagreements between others if that's what you're referring to, (as far as I know, did something actually happen?)

if an accident like that happened to me I would probably throw in the towel and give up on the hobby. I thoroughly enjoy the laser hobby but it is DEFINITELY not worth losing an eye over.
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