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FrozenGate by Avery

microwave oven parts projects (HV power supply and magnetron)

Aug 13, 2008
I got a used 1500 watt microwave oven. What cool projects can I make with the high voltage power supply and magnetron?

Magnetron? hmmm.... Wifi jammer / hand warmer! *checks over shoulder for FCC*
make an Jacobs ladder with the transformer. build a monster Marx generator with the transformer. start build a Tesla coil. etc

4hv.org: Forum high voltage fun
Hey SC....

Where have you been.... haven't seen you around for a while..:thinking:

Laserbee - I have been around often, I just don't post much. I usually just do alot of reading.

Thanks for the links/suggestions. I like the Jacobs Ladder, got to build me one of those. :thanks:
Laserbee - I have been around often, I just don't post much. I usually just do alot of reading.

Thanks for the links/suggestions. I like the Jacobs Ladder, got to build me one of those. :thanks:


try and get another mot to current limit the running mot with out it your mot will become super hot very quickly :)
Rewind that transformer with a huge secondary (Like 2000 turns) and a center-tapped 10-turn primary coil.
Drive it with a ZVS, and get some 6" burning arcs from it!

Rectify it, and you could start a high power tesla coil project that would run at extra high frequencies!
