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FrozenGate by Avery

MicroVision SHOWWX Classic Laser Pico Projector $99

Sep 25, 2007
Over at woot.com ( Woot® : One Day, One Deal ) there is a sale on the pico projector.
Maybe someone here wants to get one to take apart and send a white light laser beam into it?

woot sales last for 24 hours or till the item sells out

Be sure to read all the comments to learn more before deciding!

A week after I pay $200 for mine, and this comes on sale! BAH! :p

But, I did get a VGA dock, and shipping was around $50, so the projector wasn't far off $100 anyway.

I don't really intend on opening it up though, I just like the idea of a portable projector :)
Thanks for posting this, I just bought one. I don't know if I'm gonna use it for parts or for its actual use yet.
That's an awesome price for that product. Wish the finances weren't so tight right now.
I wonder why they are selling them so cheaply ? Do you think the next generation of product is about to come out and it is that much better than this one ?
I was tempted, but then figure that those are $160 now already, and by the time I'd ever get around to dismantling the thing into something usable (especially considering that nobody has gotten the green laser to work), it'll already be cheaper to get anyway. That 465nm laser is tempting though... What was the mW that each laser in there could output?

Hopefully we'll also see the SHOWWX+ go on woot (though not any time soon), as it's 15 lumen, so the lasers might be beefier.
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I just got one, can't wait for it to get here.
I am not going to be pulling the diodes out of this though.
I bought one, then went back to buy another. Woot won't let me...

If you want more than one make sure you pick the "I want two" box the first time you check out. I guess I won't have one to use for it's intended purpose anymore...
Does anyone know if these are compatible with the iphone 4?

Worst case, i have to dig up my old ipod...
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I would like to get one and modify it with a little slot and a hole on one side, so whenever I wanted a white laser I could just let it display a white image and then slide a mirror into the slot which would go right before the mems and bounce the beam right out the hole in the side.

You could even make it tunable color if you just had a bunch of pics of solid colors to scroll through.

Then if I want to use it as a projector just remove the mirror. Maybe have some type of dust cover to put in the slot to keep it nice and sealed up.
I was going to try that, I'm afraid the thing might have some sort of pickoff that will freak out and shut the whole thing down though. I'll let you know how it goes :D
Received my unit today. i like it.. ALOT! although i have a feeling the MEMS unit would be the first to die from all the scanning it does. Its not much bigger than my iphone 4 for comparison. With the lights out on a white wall it is very viewable even with the low 10 lumens rated output.

By the way it does work , out the box with the iphone 4. if yours is jail broken you can download an app on cydia called " displayout " and it will mirror your regular phone output in real time. just make sure you disable it for movie viewing for better color display.
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I received mine last saturday, I also, (like pontiacg5) wanted to order another later on in the day.. one to take apart and another to use as it's intended.
It's display is quite bright at around 40", yet at around 100" is lacking.
I don't have an iPad or anything and am keeping my eyes out for connectors at thrift stores.
I have also ordered the VGA docking station and wish I had done so immediately because there were a few available at a much cheaper price than what I ended up paying! :( but I got phone calls and had forgotten to complete the order I had started.

I have had the unit display a critically low (red) battery message twice, after 5-10 minutes of use on a fully charged battery... Oh No! :(

Have any of the rest of you experienced this ?
Agh, the suspense is killing me! I ordered mine over 3 weeks ago (Not from woot) and it's still "Customs clearance processing complete"!

Not fair! :(
Hopefully tomorrow :)
