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MicroVision SHOWWX Classic Laser Pico Projector $99

BTW - I have some accessories from my teardown of the Pico that I don't need. I have:

- Battery
- Case
- Cables/Charger etc

Anyone interested in purchasing those as extras ?
BTW - I have some accessories from my teardown of the Pico that I don't need. I have:

- Battery
- Case
- Cables/Charger etc

Anyone interested in purchasing those as extras ?

I'm interested. Please pm .
Well i would be interested in the cable and batt. Ebay shows the batt @ 20.00 with free shipping and i couldnt find the cable. could you do 15.00 for both?
Well i would be interested in the cable and batt. Ebay shows the batt @ 20.00 with free shipping and i couldnt find the cable. could you do 15.00 for both?

I'd do $20 shipped - and then you win a bit because the cables are free, I win a bit because I don't have to hassle with ebay.
Got mine yesterday, this is a pretty cool gadget. I still don't know if I'm gonna dismantle it or sell it to my friend who was intrigued with it.

Like others have posted, I wonder if there is a way to fairly easily turn this into a RGB handheld laser. Alignment of the lasers has already been done and that is the hardest part of a RGB laser build. I may look into it a bit.
Maybe threading an aixiz head near the output and near the mems mirror would work. Then just set it to display a white screen, which would be easy from an iPod/iPhone.
Couldn't help myself....

I popped the thing open, cut both covers over the sled back so I could get to the raw beam. You can interrupt the beam to the chip, it will still work fine. (for some reason I thought it would have a failsafe, some sort of pickoff or something.)


There is a waste beam that shoots almost straight up from the projector. The beam size is spectacular, it's around 1mm at 3" from the unit and a little less than 2mm at around 8 feet. I have no idea what that is for divergence, but it seems good.


Dropping a mirror in front of the beam and directing it straight out the front of the unit gets this, I'm not quite sure yet but I don't think the beams are aligned in the projector. Also, it seems like the lasers are pulsed in a continuous fashion, you can see the equal spaced dots of around the same brightness. I'm trying to upload some stuff to an old Ipod to test but I don't think displaying a single color will change the output of the lasers. instead the DLP-whatever probably just wastes the beam somehow.

But, there is this which would make me think the beams are perfectly aligned. I really won't know for sure till I get a mirror cut down that fits in there a little better...


That's a low exposure there, it's much brighter in real life.
Yea, I just got mine, and after playing with it, I've just figured that you probably won't be able to get a good white beam out of it without modification.

The image is actually each colour scanned individually, so when you align the colours in the projector menu, really you're just giving it an offset to scan that colour. This way they don't have to have the alignment perfect in the optics itself.

Quite a tricky way of doing it.
i also couldn't resist pulling my projector apart.


watch out for the two screws at the bottom, under the sticker.




sorry about the dirty paper, it was the closest white object in the garage.




had a bit of a scare when I reassembled it and when I turned it on, nothing came out. After a few attempts, however, i did manage to get the projector running again.

My findings were pretty much the same as pontiac's. I would not suggest disassembling these, it just isn't worth the trouble/risk of damage to the projector.
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Does anyone here have an eeepc they can test this with? I have a 900HA with Win 7, and I keep getting the "Video not supported" error, no matter what I try set the resolution or refresh rate to.

When I'm not getting the video not supported screen, all I get is 2 dull blue lines.

EDIT: Never mind, it seems my projector has actually failed, as it is no longer accepting any video input (Doesn't display the "ready to use" message with my iPod anymore etc)

Extremely disappointed, waited 3 weeks, get it today and it's failed. ARGH!! :(
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