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Merged 445nm Pictures and Video Thread

There's nothing on the diode window that I can see with about 20x magnification. No difference between the two diodes that I can see.

I'll keep you updated on how mine does. It's only puttin out 500mw now. So sad :p. I'm keepin the duty cycles really really short on mine now just cause that makes me paranoid.
I'll keep you updated on how mine does. It's only puttin out 500mw now. So sad :p. I'm keepin the duty cycles really really short on mine now just cause that makes me paranoid.
it could be that cycling the power more often is actually worse for it. Thermal expansion and whatnot. Plus, I'm afraid the clicky switch will break on this host :D
i used an acrylic and when i i read about these troubles i switched to a 808 glass. but for now im not paranoid in fact the laser is burrowing in to my skull as we speak (a joke)
Kevin, my diode use to look like that but more dark spots, for me it was just dirty. Iso and a quetip and it looks like your first image, happy diode.

As far as I can recall, pic 1 is how it looked the day I got it...Not sure about the sides, it maybe reflections off my AIXIZ case.
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cool. I'm not sure when mine would have gotten dirty... maybe just stuff in the air. I'm sure it's fine though :D plenty of power to go around.
Never mind :D. I found the isopropyl!!! It made a world of difference. the uncollimated output is back to normal. Thanks JBTM. I just got a peak at 530mw, so it's back to normal!
@Uranium- You realize these are ran at over 600mw in the projector right? I think we usually run diodes at 150 to 170% over rated power for very long lives.
Quit driving your diodes to more than a watt and they'll last longer.
they run these at 1.8 and 1.4 watts pulsed in the projector... these diodes last up until like 2.4 watts, and even then they take a while to COD I think.
I would still love to know how warm they get in the projectors to know how warm we should run them...

Kevin, glad it helped :P I think the marks on mine (on the edges) wont do any good to fix, but I'm sure it's just missed spots.
Never mind :D. I found the isopropyl!!! It made a world of difference. the uncollimated output is back to normal. Thanks JBTM. I just got a peak at 530mw, so it's back to normal!
@Uranium- You realize these are ran at over 600mw in the projector right? I think we usually run diodes at 150 to 170% over rated power for very long lives.

Glad you got the window cleaned. That is good news. Just as a note though I try to stay away from using Q-tips as they can scratch the window. I use a microfiber cloth. The kind they use for cleaning glasses. Works great.
I'm now using the stock glass casio lens... :barf:how do I know if I ruined my diode? Lol, for all I know it could be broken already.

Edit: look what I just got from aixiz!

Please feel free to post this information on any of the forums.

We will have 1500 lenses ready by mid this week. The lens coating has been redone somewhat to allow even better light passage at the 445nm range. I apologize for the delay but it will be worth it.

Awesome i cant wait to see this new lens thanks for posting that:)

I just order one of these to clean my lens on my lasers:)
or this one
http://www.amazon.com/Digital-Camera-Camcorder-Lens-Cleaning/dp/B001MXM0DO for $2.92 + Free Shipping
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Yeah, there's a few cotton fibers in the bottom of the module that I'm trying to fish out, but they seem to be stuck. I'm using microfiber from now on.
