About 10 years ago I cleaned up a spill. My friend was in consruction fixing up a reposessed house. The guy that lived there had warrants for his arrest and fled to the U.S. and left a tonne of crap in this filthy house. A big jar of mercury fell off of a shelf and broke all over a hard wood floor. It went thru the cracks and was even underneath the house in the crawl space. I went down there with a Coke bottle and a plastic spoon and got most of it. Hopefully the rest evaporated. I then used a syringe and separated it into viles usually used for hash oil, and into 2 Visene bottles. Now they're just sitting in my work-room in a box.
I also have an industrial mercury tilt switch capable of handling 600Volts(1inch diameter by 4 inches long) if any one has a use for it.
The stuff is cool to play with, as long as you're in a well ventilated area, and you don't touch it with your skin. Touching it isn't as bad as breathing in whatever fumes it gives off.
Like I said, I'd like to get rid of a bunch of it. So if any one wants some to add to thier eliment collection I'll sell it to you for cheap. I'd really love to trade for some of that Gallium.
I have wanted Gallium since high school when I found out it melts at 30 degreesC. That was like 12 years ago. I just assumed it would be as toxic as Mercury and didn't persue obtaining any. Now I know different and I want Gallium.
If you want a vile of Mercury, I'll sell it for $5 plus shippin costs. Shipping might be $10 Canadian because the stuff is very dense and therefore heavy.
Peace Steve