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FrozenGate by Avery

Medical Flight Hit by Laser!

I swear, if there are more of these incidents, and there will be, there will be a nation wide laser ban that will be ran by this woman here: :crackup:

Quit poking fun at Gary Sinise, he's a cool dude.....sure is an ugly picture of him. I didn't know he let his hair grow out that long.....

If I recall from long ago, the IR spill from a DPSS
laser device is poorly focused and would diverge
quickly over distance.
I hope they catch the bastard however.......
It was, however, IRrelevent to the conversation but also IRrefutable and not IRritative at all;)
I wouldn't think someone who has the ability to find an Actual powerful green laser (above 500mW) would think it was a good idea to point it at a helicopter. Usually those kind of people who point their lasers at aircrafts end up buying their lasers from sketchy sites that advertise their green lasers at 2W for $50(when they are actually 50mW).
Honestly, this story doesn't seem to add up...
1. It would take someone who did their research and found an actual powerful 532nm/520nm laser
2. That person would have to be willing to spend around $1000+ for the laser
3. But, that same person would have to have no common sense and purposefully aim the laser at any window/cockpit to try to hit someone...

IMO I think they are exaggerating the story by calling it a burn and leaving out the part when his sight returns to normal in a day or two.

I agree entirely. It's the media. The president could trip and they'll call it an assassination attempt by Russia. It's always blown way out of proportion, because it makes them money.

Even if there was someone with an extremely powerful laser, I doubt they would spend their time trying to make aircraft crash. It was more than likely a kid with a pointer. He dazed the pilot (or whoever, not gonna read the news report), and the media ran with it.

All the same, "dazed a pilot" and "burned his eye" is the difference between people thinking "Lasers are dangerous" and "Lasers are murder machines".

I think the only thing laser laws will prevent me from doing, is shining them in the sky, or over the ocean, like I do. Just because I'd need to be a little less conspicuous. ;)


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But in the guy's defense, I'm sure we have all experienced the "pain" when we are not expecting a bright light in our eyes. But to play it up like he's blind for life and living in constant pain and it was so awful... It's just wrong.
That's the story of the world java. Everyone who has the slightest accident falls out of the car holding their neck to get money and attention. Looks like this guy gets out of the heli hiding his eye, and got the same reward.
I swear, if there are more of these incidents, and there will be, there will be a nation wide laser ban that will be ran by this woman here: :crackup:

There's another strange connection about her and lasers. Did anyone notice last year that Senator Dianne Feinstein refused to help save a huge laser experiment* from $110 million in budget cuts proposed by the Obama administration? : HERE:(
*multibillion-dollar massive fusion research facility known as the NIF (National Ignition Facility) in Livermore (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory).
The only danger from IR is the lack of a blink reflex when compared to visible beams.

For the Nuclear guys reading maybe there should be an auto SCRAM (Safety Control Rod Axe Man) system fitted to $5 Ebay pens that electrocutes the operator if they point it at an aircraft :)


I'm playing with an 500mw ir diode right now. If I stop posting, you'll know I went blind :)
I'm stuck without any diodes :(

But I do have 7.5Kw of IR running happily in front of me :)
Well I killed it so I'm in the same boat :p

Rated 500mw 350ma. Just couldn't handle triple that, must have been defective ;) ;)
You're not gonna get 500mW of IR from 350mA. Either that was a 200-300mW diode, or they got the current spec wrong.
