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FrozenGate by Avery

Medical Flight Hit by Laser!

At 350ma it was giving around 240mw. I got it up to 700mw at well over 1a , so it must have been just a current spec mistake then?

I assume ir is not efficient enough to achieve 500 at 350 if you can confidently say that?

The best IR diodes can do is 60% or so, last time I checked. but that is only attainable in large diode bars. 40% would be more typical of a small diode. A rule of thumb (ignoring threshold of course) might be something like 0.8-0.9 mW per mA.
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Thank you. Makes perfect sense getting the results I did then. I thought maybe I had damaged the diode.
Looking at the spot patterns of DPSS green lasers, the IR from those greenies diverges rapidly except for a little of the beam that is within the green portion. The green component will be the most dangerous part of the beam, but more so because of the flash-blinding at those distances and time of night, rather than the eye-damaging power from the laser itself.
