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FrozenGate by Avery

Medical Flight Hit by Laser!

Just sounds like another kid shining a cheap ebay pen into any flying object he sees.
Which is also detrimental to the laser community's reputation.
As said by Photonz, I think about it the same.

Another immature, dumb kid who thinks it's funny to endanger other peoples life.
It should be a crime and something similar to an assault charge. Now banning all pointers..... That won't stop immature people from putting other people in harms way.
Just sounds like another kid shining a cheap ebay pen into any flying object he sees.
Which is also detrimental to the laser community's reputation.

Would a cheap ebay pen be able to the damage that the article describes?
Would a cheap ebay pen be able to the damage that the article describes?

Easily, all cheap eBay pens DO NOT include an IR filter.

All it takes is one of those pens shined in your eye and permanent damage can occur rapidly.
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^not going to waste my time correcting that

and let them make it illegal... and let me (and most of us I suspect) give zero fucks.
^ ill waste my time :p

A cheap eBay pen is not doing that kind of damage to a heli pilot. It may hit him and temporary disorient him if he was hit absolutely directly , but as far as burning his eye. No.

You would need a SERIOS laser to burn someone's eye at that distance, and a eBay pen, no matter how super overspec it is and how much ir ( even if 100%) wouldn't do damage. The ir would not travel that far to begin with.

(Time sufficiently wasted :D)
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I wouldn't think someone who has the ability to find an Actual powerful green laser (above 500mW) would think it was a good idea to point it at a helicopter. Usually those kind of people who point their lasers at aircrafts end up buying their lasers from sketchy sites that advertise their green lasers at 2W for $50(when they are actually 50mW).
Honestly, this story doesn't seem to add up...
1. It would take someone who did their research and found an actual powerful 532nm/520nm laser
2. That person would have to be willing to spend around $1000+ for the laser
3. But, that same person would have to have no common sense and purposefully aim the laser at any window/cockpit to try to hit someone...

IMO I think they are exaggerating the story by calling it a burn and leaving out the part when his sight returns to normal in a day or two.
Actually, the IR can travel as the green light but it's less collimated. Both beams will diverge and I doubt it has the power density to cause damage at a heli's operating altitude.

I don't get it why people fuss so much about IR when actually, the green light is more of a hazard. Kinda bit irrational if you ask me.
Actually, the IR can travel as the green light but it's less collimated. Both beams will diverge and I doubt it has the power density to cause damage at a heli's operating altitude.

I don't get it why people fuss so much about IR when actually, the green light is more of a hazard. Kinda bit irrational if you ask me.
a bit IRrational... :crackup:
anyway, I agree. I believe the fact that you can't see IR plays a role in people exaggerating how dangerous it is.
I'm sorry I should have said be dangerous at that distance, not that it wouldn't travel that far. My mistake. But nonetheless , to "burn his eye" would take some power.
Tell me how much more dangerous it is than the green light.

@Tmack - I wasn't talking to you :p
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@zeebit O I was just reading what I wrote and it needed an adjustment that's all. :D

I've posted on many threads about all these people freaking out about ir , then two days later posting a review of their 1w 445 , when they just told someone to throw away a 100mw 532 because of the ir content .

Some members always want to preach to people to make them seem like they are giving " guidance to the uninformed" and when someone says maybe its not as bad as you think, they flip their lid . Lol as you can see, I've been in that conversation a few times.
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I don't understand IR hysteria at all. The laser is going to damage your eye if it hits it, end of. I have a laser pen that leaks IR - it shows up readily in ordinary photos alongside the 532 emission, I don't treat it any differently than the other one which doesn't emit IR. If it annoys that much, buy an IR filter and shut up...
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