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FrozenGate by Avery

Massdrop - New Group Buy Platform

Mar 29, 2013
Hey Everyone,

My name is Daniel, from Massdrop; a site that allows you to buy as a group to get the best prices on the products you care about.

In an effort to make group buys more efficient, secure and economical, we would like to help LPF members organize and initiate group buys.

In the companies thread, we have already begun creating a list of products that the LPF community is interested in group buying. We would love you all to help add to the list so we can bring you these lasers at unheard of prices.

We are also very interested in helping LPF create the ultimate community sourced DIY laser kit. Earlier this year, Massdrop worked with the mechanical keyboard community to create one of the most sought after mechanical keyboards on the market, the ErgoDox. The LPF community should be able to do the same sort of thing here!

We were recently featured on the front page of AnandTech for the Ergodox Keyboard that was community sourced: AnandTech | ErgoDox Review, an Ergonomic Mechanical Keyboard via Massdrop

Individually it would have cost more than $600, however, Massdrop was able to source it for the group for $200-$300.

If you’d like to learn a bit about Massdrop and our reputation, you’ll be able to find plenty of threads about us on Reddit, or you can just check out our site!)

We have already made connections with Viasho, CNILaser, and other laser vendors on LPF. So add to the list of different lasers (w/ color and wavelength), and lets start throwing out some ideas to create the ultimate LPF laser! We can’t wait to start saving you guys some serious money on your favorite lasers and gear.

If you have any questions feel free to PM me.

Take care,



P.S. If you are a manufacturer or a vendor and you would like to work with us, email me or send me a PM.

I can see a potential market if you can arrange a system with WL too... and bring their prices down to an appropriate range. A few LPF'ers here might be interested in that
Right now we are currently running group buys on two CNI lasers and once these end (5 days) we will start going through the list of lasers on the google doc and start group buys for those next.

Here is one we currently have available:

CNI GLP-532 5mW (Green) (53% off at $25)


Make sure to add to the Master Laser List and we will start contacting all of the vendors. Let the savings begin! :wave:
Looking at the sheet, it looks like that 488nm diode might be the winner. Though even at a 50% discount its still pretty unaffordable :p
Hadn't seen the other thread before. I think this is a good idea but I'm very skeptical that we can get anywhere near 200 customers. Lasers aren't exactly a common hobby and even most hobbyists don't buy >$100 lasers.

That said I think this could work great if you're willing to deal with lower numbers. Say 10-50.

Anyways I voted for the 488nm 200mW diode. It'd be reeeeeally nice if we could get them for a payable price.

As for making the "ultimate kit", I don't think there's such a thing... different people like lasers for different purposes: beam brightness, burning power, wavelength collection, tight divergence/long distance pointing... and there's no laser that will fill them all. Unless a 10W yellow <0.5mrad diode is coming :P

But there are some "classic" kits which would certainly sell a lot. I'd guess a >3W 445nm is the top candidate.

BTW the website could really use a search bar. If there's one I couldn't find it... took me too many minutes to locate the 3D printers poll!
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They'd only be payable at top dollar with about 90% off... I highly doubt we'll get our hands on them...
Hadn't seen the other thread before. I think this is a good idea but I'm very skeptical that we can get anywhere near 200 customers. Lasers aren't exactly a common hobby and even most hobbyists don't buy >$100 lasers.

Yeah, unfortunately it's not a common hobby, so getting large numbers of people for group buys will be difficult.

Looking forward to what massdrop can offer.
Hadn't seen the other thread before. I think this is a good idea but I'm very skeptical that we can get anywhere near 200 customers. Lasers aren't exactly a common hobby and even most hobbyists don't buy >$100 lasers.

That said I think this could work great if you're willing to deal with lower numbers. Say 10-50.

Anyways I voted for the 488nm 200mW diode. It'd be reeeeeally nice if we could get them for a payable price.

As for making the "ultimate kit", I don't think there's such a thing... different people like lasers for different purposes: beam brightness, burning power, wavelength collection, tight divergence/long distance pointing... and there's no laser that will fill them all. Unless a 10W yellow <0.5mrad diode is coming :P

But there are some "classic" kits which would certainly sell a lot. I'd guess a >3W 445nm is the top candidate.

BTW the website could really use a search bar. If there's one I couldn't find it... took me too many minutes to locate the 3D printers poll!
We shouldn't need too many people. For the latest laser GB we only needed 15 and with 2 hours still remaining, we've got 42 people who have joined in.

If rather than a kit, would you guys be interested in laser parts at all?

Also, if you guys are interested in less expensive lasers feel free to add them to the sheet or start a poll on Massdrop!

We're open to anything and everything. We just want to make sure you guys are getting the biggest savings on the products you love.

So let me know and lets get this next laser GB going!

You know, I think people would be interested in C@sio projectors, to be honest. That or some other form of laser-powered projector. Those can get pretty hefty, and some of the resellers around here could drastically reduce diode price.

Also - look into PHRs and LPCs. Those are also common diodes.
Hadn't seen the other thread before. I think this is a good idea but I'm very skeptical that we can get anywhere near 200 customers. Lasers aren't exactly a common hobby and even most hobbyists don't buy >$100 lasers.

That said I think this could work great if you're willing to deal with lower numbers. Say 10-50.

Anyways I voted for the 488nm 200mW diode. It'd be reeeeeally nice if we could get them for a payable price.

As for making the "ultimate kit", I don't think there's such a thing... different people like lasers for different purposes: beam brightness, burning power, wavelength collection, tight divergence/long distance pointing... and there's no laser that will fill them all. Unless a 10W yellow <0.5mrad diode is coming :P

But there are some "classic" kits which would certainly sell a lot. I'd guess a >3W 445nm is the top candidate.

BTW the website could really use a search bar. If there's one I couldn't find it... took me too many minutes to locate the 3D printers poll!

I too am skeptical - on paper your idea sounds good - BUT as ARG has written...

Yeah, unfortunately it's not a common hobby, so getting large numbers of people for group buys will be difficult.

Looking forward to what massdrop can offer.

We do not have enough members ALL interested in the same items-
AT the same time---ALSO we have several members here, like myself, who have worked hard on Group Buys (for YEARS)and you could be stepping on some toes-- Even the most sought after items rarely generate more then 30 or 40 buyers-
If you want to impress me find BenQ LX 60 projectors under $1000. I will take ONE. Or 520nm green diodes cheap-- get us p3 analog flexdrives-(or clone) that item could generate many buyers.
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I too am skeptical - on paper your idea sounds good - BUT as ARG has written...

We do not have enough members ALL interested in the same items-
AT the same time---ALSO we have several members here, like myself, who have worked hard on Group Buys (for YEARS)and you could be stepping on some toes-- Even the most sought after items rarely generate more then 30 or 40 buyers-
If you want to impress me find BenQ LX 60 projectors under $1000. I will take ONE. Or 520nm green diodes cheap-- get us p3 analog flexdrives-(or clone) that item could generate many buyers.

Ditto the above.

Individual members run very successful group buys for items the LPF community is interested in at little or no charge/cost to members for doing so.

There is little if any chance of getting 200 people to sign up to any given laser product --not from what I have seen on LPF.
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may I comment to Encap post? ( thanks for the kind words)

doing a GB at NO increase in cost can end badly- stuff happens- expenses you did not account for can make your first GB the last one you want to ever do.

I have NEVER claimed to do ANY of my GBs at 100% actual cost unless you count my gas- banking fees- pp fees etc etc as no added costs ( I dont- they come with the honor of hosting a GB and I add whatever I think is both fair and needed to keep doing GBs).

Say, I do one with the widgets sent to me for re-ship and I get 19 good widgets and one DOA- guess who gets that one-- the HOST.

OR at least that is HOW I see it.

A GB host who does not offer after-the-GB support is a lousy host.

I dont think too much about my time and its value- getting all the $$ together- depositing the checks and Money orders- trips to the bank many times and needing to answers the PMs can be overwhelming.
I try to avoid those who insist on paying BEFORE I call for the $$.

as they will be asking the almost impossible to reply to question-- WHEN will our widgets be shipped??- I have a party coming up and thought it would be here already.

boo hoo( <not really I do understand and have done as much as one human can to please these members)

so if you are rich and want to 'buy' new friends-- go for it. if you are hoping that a statue of you will go up in the park with a plaque "He did GBs for us and made less than zero' know this--- those things almost always happen after you are dead.

I take extra care to ONLY do GBs with the very best companies & reps Like Gray at JETLASERS- Linna at LaserKing, Chuck at AixiZ , and Jason from LaserPhoto.

AND I can be choosy about who can do my GBs too. I tend to stick to others also living in CONUS and/or Canada- I also (now) very rarly take Poop Pal-

Using PP can be one way to really screws up a good deal- some hosts forget about the bite they take >4%- and if a GB member is pissed for whatever reason he can file a claim so you may end up with no $$ and they may get to keep the widget too.

PP is an easy way to scam- on both ends- so ' better to send a USPS MO to a trusted vet member than PP to a stranger who is new to your forum'. Mess with a MO and you will be in big (federal) trouble.

How much I mark up in my biz- its rude to ask- I never answer anyway- I do it this way because I can.

I have no count.. but pretty sure i have done almost 20 GBs- ONE refund so far- no complaints.

I have NO shame in my GAME.

I do my best- read whats posted in my GB threads and in feedback section here at LPF.

anyone who blindly joins just any GB that comes along is a fool and a 'fool and his money soon part ways'

I hope former hosts like some we have known are reading this.

I have a new thread in GB-- check it out-- maybe its time you climbed another rung in the evolutionary laser ladder-
maybe its time to obtain a laser that no family member or friend will ask why you have it.

OR you can go on trying to own EVERY color and keep popping matches and burning balloons.


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hakzaw1, IMHO you're being a bit unfair to Massdrop... You're claiming they might be stepping on toes if they compete with forum users who host GBs but as you said yourself you do some mark up on prices. Not that I think marking up prices is wrong but trying to keep "the competition" away by saying they're stepping on toes isn't very fair.

Let them run their business.. I'm sure if user organized GBs really are better they'll just give up. OTOH if they find a way to decrease cost further it'll be better for almost everyone, except those few that make a profit on forum GBs (AFAIK most users just charge the original price+whatever they end up spending).

Also a real company might get cheaper shipping (due to having a deal with carriers for all their non-laser GBs), especially to non-US buyers.

Just my 2 cents.
