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LPC-826 graphs

If your going to build lasers using raw dies.. you sir are a better man, have far more patience, and far steadier hands than me. :bowdown:

Just out of curiosity, was a lens used when metering the output power of the LPC-826?
the guy i bought my 826's from on PL said he runs his at 550-600ma. i planned on putting mine in a scanner at 550ma. but cyp said in a scanner it wouldn't last long. but i think in a handheld it would be ok.

I hate the fact that the red's we're used to here are so limited in power =\

I wish we could at least get a 500mW red like we have for 405's....
It probably has to do with *technical need*. CD-Rom and DVD Burners don't particularly need more powerful diodes, and CD-Rom and DVD burners are probably not going to advance any more. I can't think of any place in the industrial sector where they are clamoring for more powerful reds. Red isn't the best for communications applications. That just leaves entertainment (lasershows) and hobbiests.

EDIT: It is spelled hobbyists. Damm yoo dizleksia!
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That's not dyslexia, that's just bad spelling. :D Something i'm plenty guilty of as well. Though since I use firefox.. I usually don't have an excuse for it since it underlines misspelled words. lol.
That's not dyslexia, that's just bad spelling. :D Something i'm plenty guilty of as well. Though since I use firefox.. I usually don't have an excuse for it since it underlines misspelled words. lol.

If my computer started pointing at me and nagging over spelling, I'd KILL IT!!!
Nah, it more like it "suggests" that you spelled it wrong, just like MS$ word or any otehr word processing software.
what is the highest powered red diode that is used widely? from what i've read it's the lpc-815 diode that puts out ~300mw. for my first build i'd like a powerful red, and i plan on some killer optics. reds are my favorites and ideally a 1w red with a beam expander or other means to refine the beam to perfection is what trips my trigger.
If your wanting a handheld, 300-350mW is going to be about your limit for anything affordable. In a labby, you can double them up with a PBS and get up to 600ish, depending on losses from the optics.
haha she died, after less than 20mins on time over a period of 2 months IIRC
