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FrozenGate by Avery

Looking to buy 2.2+ Watt Build!

Apr 28, 2012

To get down to business, I have had alot of people tell me that RyanElectro was charging in excess of 200% extra cash for his products. So, when that was said I began looking around for someone who can sell it cheaper with the same grade of parts and stuff. So, basically here is everyones chance to show me what they have or can do and I will go with the best choice.

Looking for a 2.2W+ build, built for burning so I would like a G1 lens. Just post on here what you think you could do for it. Alot of people have PMed me but their price was HIGHER than Ryans'.

Thanks LPF!:lasergun:
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Really, if you want something common like the stainless steel host that Ryan offered, then you can get it much cheaper. However, for an intricately designed, unique host, it'll be quite a bit more expensive.

Nonetheless, my offer still stands.
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Keep in mind not all lasers are apples to apples either. Is it a expensive custom host or a common flashlight host, Boost drivers or linear driver, G 1/2 lens or three element lens, batteries IE 2X16340's/18650/22650/32650. All of these things factor into cost.:beer:
Apparently, Lazeerer quoted a much higher price than Ryan did.

Keep in mind not all lasers are apples to apples either. Is it a expensive custom host or a common flashlight host, Boost drivers or linear driver, G 1/2 lens or three element lens, batteries IE 2X16340's/18650/22650/32650. All of these things factor into cost.:beer:

Thanks Jordan :beer:

I´m also sure that Angelos (lazeerer) can build you a custom one, not using the high end parts he normally use. That would also lower the price of course.
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I want the high end parts, it's no big deal. I have a decent spending limit. I am just seeing who can offer the same parts and the same service for less of a price.
^ In the end you´re buying and selling 445nm lasers till you get your perfect one.

I was sitting in the same boat. It was a long way to get the IMO perfect 445nm for myself.

You should buy a laser you´re going to be fully happy with.
Why do you want such a high power build? There really isn't that much difference at the high powers of 445. I think the sexyness of the host is more important over 1.5W vs 2W.

Yob is selling two great lasers, the 2W, and the 1.3W ehgmeus host build. Both great lasers, but one looks way sexier. And it's cheaper too.
Just thought I'd Jump in as I am in pretty much the same situation as oOLaharlOo.. Looking for a 2.5 ish laser , than can duty cylce for a good amount of on time , and will not break the bank . I do not mind paying a fair price for higher quality goods , I am of the opinion that when starting out and learning , one should seek out the best advice and best equipment one can afford , so that potential problems are minmised ...
Why do people go for the 320PS car instead of the 290PS one? People like GOOD VALUES! But if the 290PS looks better, I´gonna go for this.

Why do you want such a high power build? There really isn't that much difference at the high powers of 445. I think the sexyness of the host is more important over 1.5W vs 2W.
