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FrozenGate by Avery

London Greenwich Green Laser

Get a really tall ladder and throw a lens into that beam :p

Haha, would have to be some heck of a ladder.

My aunt lives 11 miles from London, in fact she lives inside the M25 making it London, and he top floor flat looks out across the whole area and she can clearly see the top of canary wharf, the BT tower and such.

I maped it out on google earth and plotted it out that she only had to look slightly to the left of canary wharf and she should be able to see the beam... Yet for some strange reason she can't.

I really can't figure out why. The area she lives in is down hill and lower down than the city, hence the reason she can only see the top of canary wharf from the top floor of the flat. It still don't explain why she can't see the beam though.

You can see the beam only by the scattered light. This is only visible when you're not too far away from the beam, and/or when it's going nearly towards you or away from you (as it is when you are holding the laser), because then the beam looks foreshortened and thus intensified. Neither of these conditions seem to apply in your aunt's case.
Keep in mind, that her eyesight may not be the best :p

To see a laser beam, you usually have to know what you are looking for. At that distance, the beam would be fairly wide by the time it got to her. Keep in mind there could be tree's (Tall tree's :p ) or buildings between her and the laser.
Well, "aunt" doesn't mean "old"... except in the sense that to a 19-year-old, 25 may feel old :p
Well, "aunt" doesn't mean "old"... except in the sense that to a 19-year-old, 25 may feel old :p

True, im an uncle and I am only 18.

We are still looking from her flat. There is a tree in the way but you can still see through it clearly enough.

I am going to go down there in the next month or 2 and see the laser for myself :) I just need to work out what days its switched on.
Maybe someone should set free a bunch of black helium balloons below the beam of the laser and see what happens. (joking)
..i wonder if theres a pile of insects under the point where the laser shines out the wall? ;-)
well, there is a radar at the frankfort airport. its so strong, when pigeons happen to fly in the right direction, with the rotating sending tower, they literally fall from the sky roasted! :-)
(but thats more than 5 or 10w outputpower.. heh)

..i wonder if theres a pile of insects under the point where the laser shines out the wall? ;-)
well, there is a radar at the frankfort airport. its so strong, when pigeons happen to fly in the right direction, with the rotating sending tower, they literally fall from the sky roasted! :-)
(but thats more than 5 or 10w outputpower.. heh)


Probably a pile of bugs on the floor in a line following the beam haha! I have seen bugs that like to follow the light fly straight into a fire and then make a quick exit so I guess they are dumb enough to fly into a beam haha.
It still gets owned by FrothyChimp's 10 W laser, though. :P

It gets owned by a lot of lasers, really. 5W is pretty insignificant in the grand scheme of high-powered green YAGs. 5W nothing to snub your nose at either, but a laserscope YAG can hit 45-50W pretty easily. They're not really uncommon, and can be found at large arena/stadium/outdoor shows regularly.
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