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FrozenGate by Avery

LG 8x BD burner 119.00 at Frys

Has only one LG burner been tested?

IIRC it was one of the best 8x diodes tested right?
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IIRC Arenared has a couple of them running. They appear to be the same as the diode out of the 203.

ok sweet, I'm gonna check the one by my house to see if they have it.

Don't you just love frys, they have everything I would ever need.

There is soooo much more to life than electronics :D







You get the idea?

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haha note taken:thanks:

I thought there was some kinda way better electronics store that I didn't know about.:thinking:

very nice sunset btw

EDIT: wow I responded too fast good updates tho... wheres the beer can at in all those pics? lol
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Well Frys has food, girls are there, dogs are outside, uhh I'm sure theres an ocean in one of the themed frys, and uhh tech, anddd bathrooms, uhhh yeah?
Yes the ocean themed one is the one in San Marcos in San diego county. city of atlantis theme to be exact they have a large pillar fishtank inside at the entrance.
