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Lazerer might be scamming me. Need help.

Jan 23, 2015
I recently ordered my first ever laser from Lazerer on 1/8/2015 but I'm afraid that I might be getting scammed and need help understanding what to do. When I first looked on reddit and different sites on google, the reviews of lazerer.com and the $50 lazer I purchased, appeared to be reliable. Since I was excited and eager to get my hands on a laser as fast as possible, I went ahead and bought one without much further research, which I now know was a big mistake. I'll explain what has happened since I bought the laser.

After buying it, I payed with paypal and then waiting for them to process my order. Two days after, on 1/10/2015, they updated my order to processing and left a message that said the standard processing time was 7 business days before they would then update my order to shipping. Nothing out of the normal happened at this point, and I still felt confident about my order from Lazerer.

Over a week of waiting later, on 1/19/2015, my order had been processing for over 9 days so I started to get worried and sent an email asking for an update on my order. The next day, 1/20/2015, Max from Lazerer responded and sent me the following update on my order:

"Unit ready, awaiting for shipment

Due to the new precaution taken by Hong Kong Post. To prevent the delay / loss of your order so far we cannot ship the li-ion battery.

we are so sorry for the inconvenience"

When I saw this update I began to get much more worried about whether or not Lazerer was trying to decieve me because I hadn't heard anything about this new precaution but I decided to just wait a few more days to see if my order would still be updated to shipping after they worked out this apparent issue.

Four days later, now today 1/23/2015, it has been over two weeks since I first placed my order and a week since my order was suppose to be shipped. I'm no longer confident with lazerer. I recently looked into this forum and found this thread as well as other threads complaining about how their quality of service has gone down hill recently. I wish I had seen these threads and reviews before I made my order and now realize this might be a scam.

I'm starting to think that Max is also trying to deceive me similar to Freak4Life. I sent an email today requesting an update on when they expect to ship my order and how this new Hong Kong precaution will effect it. I expect to see a response from him tomorrow because he has responded to all of my emails so far, but this new information about lazerer that I've now seen, has me scared that he won't respond anymore and this is just a big scam.

Has this situation happened to anyone else that has ordered from Lazerer?
If Max responds and tells me that it will take more time should I continue waiting or try to get my money back as fast as possible?
If he doesn't respond at all, what should I do moving forward?

As of now I would suggest avoiding lazerer and appreciate any help with my situation. Thanks for reading.

Chances are you won't be getting anything, Lazerer has been a company to avoid for months now due to them not shipping anything to customers and just taking their money.

Try to contact PP asking to file a claim with them to try and get your money back. Be aware, PP might not want anything to due with this due to it being a laser, goodluck bud!

I think all he means is the unit isn't shipping with the battery as I've seen that a lot lately (I'm talking from other sites). I would be surprised if you didn't eventually get the unit. That is a long time to wait for the unit to ship for an in stock item and it would make me never want to buy anything from them again as well.
I think all he means is the unit isn't shipping with the battery as I've seen that a lot lately (I'm talking from other sites). I would be surprised if you didn't eventually get the unit. That is a long time to wait for the unit to ship for an in stock item and it would make me never want to buy anything from them again as well.

Chances are you won't be getting anything, Lazerer has been a company to avoid for months now due to them not shipping anything to customers and just taking their money.

Try to contact PP asking to file a claim with them to try and get your money back. Be aware, PP might not want anything to due with this due to it being a laser, goodluck bud!


Thanks for the help but I feel like you guys are giving me mixed answers. Would it be better to wait for a response from the email I sent today or file a dispute with PayPal as soon as possible?
Hi worked if max it ordering from China for you laser ,the usual waiting time for that to get here is about a month give or take. Anyway Chinese lasers are cheap and over spec . If you order a 500w/532nm/green beam it's probably a lot less. I bought a 500w/ 532nm and it sucks wind so to speak. If you want a real laser do you home work. Buy from a LPM member with good representation. Or better yet BUILD your own. Use what God gave you and read,read ,read. LPF is here to help you not deceived you. And keep your money here in the states, no some foreign country. USA all the way . Good luck my brother.

Remember if it goes thu customs it might get snagged . I have a Chinese green beam I am going to dissect it to see what's in side. For56.00 you get what you pay for
Oh I almost forgot the most important thig get yourself safety glasses be smart and safe.
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File the PayPal claim for your flashlight and in the meantime request that Lazerer ship minus the battery. If you receive the laser then fingers crossed you'll be OK and it will hold up but I'd suggest not to get your hopes up based on the accounts of other members here.
Update: After sending the email today asking to know when my order was going to be shipped, I received an email about an hour ago telling me my order status was updated to shipping. I have yet to receive an actual reply to the questions in my email though, only an update of my order status. I hope this means that Lazerer is not scamming me but I'm still unsure and will wait to see whether I am able to track the package and whether I receive it but I will keep this thread updated.
OK Luke I hope it works out. It seems that Lazerer are being indirectly responsive so that is trending towards a positive sign! Sit tight as I think you will be Okay!
Despite Lazerer's poor reputation, two (2) weeks buying anything from China isn't very long to wait unless they're shipping via DHL or something like that. I would keep bothering them for updates (sucks that you have to), but wait at least a week or two more before filing a dispute. You have 45 days for the dispute if I remember right.
As badger said they use a Chinese form of shipping DHL is the fastest but they use some other sort of shipping co. And it takes about 4 weeks,and that is if customs doesn't hold on to it. When they X-ray the parcel they see a long cylindrical object. That's a red flag in this day and age it can be many things. Lasers are not illegal to ship to the states as long as there under 5w , but they don't know that so its not an issue. The most they will do is cut the parcel open to look in side if there not sure. If it fails to come after 45 claim time. If it is customs, and Laserer is cool they should credit you if they are getting it from China its up to them. I had a host made buy S----r and DHL shipped it 2weeks for shipping. And the original parcel was cut open but no damage . So keep your cool sit tight and see what evolves .wish you well
Hi T how are you? We at LPF are here to give members help . Maybe I'm a little misconstrued about your saying dispite other members opinions. What does that mean? Wouldn't you want do give a more positive input and reassurance for the man. And please don't take this the wrong way. I'm not being vecesious. Let's get his hopes up about getting his stuff. Thanks Rich nice to have you aboard LPF :yh::yh:

AND Luke wish you well in your endeavors as always with this issue keep us posted.
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