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Laser seized at customs :/ what now?

Apr 13, 2013
as the title says, my laser was seized at customs. here is my previous post about what I bought

this is my first time buying a laser so I am unsure what to do now... I am not an adult and it will take a lot of persuading to get my parents to buy another one so what do I do now? I know the chances of this happening are low but it seems I am in the unlucky group :(

If you want a good answer that will not happen until you add more information in your personal profile-- if you do that your location will appear under your username every time you post.. You should also add your date of birth in your profile. I can tell you this-- lasers taken by Customs are almost never released. Buying one an always be a risk and the seller is not going to replace it. You better choice may have ben to buy a laser from a member who lives in the same country as you do-- no customs check if you do it this way..

Did this laser come with a battery?? That can be a big mistake right there.
It would help if we knew what country you live in.

Just let customs destroy the laser, don't bother fighting it. Chances are you won't get it back even if you fight for it; that's the way it is here in Canada at any rate.
It is cheaper to buy another, than to fight for it. And if you DO order another, ask the batteries be omitted. Customs has been known to seize shipments containing Lithium batteries.
okay thanks for the info guys. I live in UK and I did put in the notes of the order to try what you can to stop it being seized but I guess they shipped batteries with the laser. I probably will try buying again but not for quite a while. you guys got any tips for next time?
Buy a laser from an EU based seller. Shipping inside the EU has almost no custom inspection.
I have a good friend who lives in England, and customs siezed about 70% of his international laser purchases. They've gotten quite good at telling what is a laser and what isn't. Parcelforce will completely open the package and thoroughly inspect the items, right down to minor dissassembly. Never ship batteries with any package, as they will take it just for the batteries. However, not having batteries does not mean they won't open it and determine it is a laser. My friend tried fighting a few siezures but lost every one of them and it was not an easy process.

Buy from within the EU only. I am sorry for your loss.
as the title says, my laser was seized at customs. here is my previous post about what I bought

this is my first time buying a laser so I am unsure what to do now... I am not an adult and it will take a lot of persuading to get my parents to buy another one so what do I do now? I know the chances of this happening are low but it seems I am in the unlucky group :(

I sale laser and I get Insurance on them, so if you do not get them I give you your money back . the shop you got it from should have gave you your money back.did you ask them?
That really sucks. Your best bet is probably to build your own laser pointer. It's pretty easy, and definitely cheaper than buying a fully assembled pointer.
customs also keeps track of who was the sender and recipient of seized packages, if they think it is worthy enough your address or theirs can get red flagged, causing all packages to you or from them be inspected with greater detail. one probably wont cause this though
search for Odicforce(UK)-- they sell a dissaembled version that chimps can put together.

LPF record for longest wait for released lasers goes to LUKE IIRC- Yobersal(Ca usa) got delivery after two years of waiting--large anount of green pointers i think--

sounds like rick trent will work with you- he has great rep here..

PM him.
