@HINML9: How did you end up learning so many languages lol?
Making short a long story ..... French, i studied it for 3 years at school (then they quit French and switched to English, so instead having a regular 5 years continuous training, i got 3 years of French and 2 of English ..... i left you imagine the result, LOL)
English, practically self-learned, cause when i started my main hobby (electronic), the only datasheets that you can found was exclusively in English ..... having grammaitcal basis, from those two years, was not so difficult to learn to read and write (bad) english, from datasheets and a pair of technical dictionaries ..... and here is a touristic zone, so, also some training speaking it is usual
Spanish and a bit of portuguese, i have some friends that speak them, so, with the time, i also learned something from them ..... and the rest, only few words here and there, from friends that knows them (occasionally, i also try to learn something about Japanese, cause i was always curious about that language, but all the times that i try, my headache quickly rise, til the point that i give up, til the next time ..... i suppose that it's one of those language that there is no way for learn it without a teacher and a training period of time in the country

Oh, yes, my bad Italian is the easiest one ..... cause, it's my main language, LOL (as i always said, i'm Italian and live in Italy

Anyway, and i don't know why, i never reached to learn German ..... no matter when i tried, no way, it don't remain in my mind ..... probably, i and German language, we're simply incompatible.
You mean "Yeah now I remember". :tsk:
No, you mean "Oh, yes, now I remember" (I've not found "yeah" in the technical dictionary .....

Krutz says: "o0ICE0o says: "FireMyLaser says: "Niko likes cereal."""
Oh, great ..... congratulaion, now we're ran out of cereals ..... (j/k
