Your chances of getting shot by a madman shooter are extremely low, for most people it simply won't ever happen.
What are your chances that a cop will get there in time if your home is invaded ?
The truth is it's not something that you should have to deal with very often, but it's your choice if you want to be responsible for your own home defense and it's not your choice if I get to be responsible for my home defense.
So how about I respect your freedom of choice and you respect mine ?
No, you want to tell me how I have to live because of your fear of something that's very unlikely, that's hypocritical.
Take a second and really think about the situation, if and it's a huge if, but if guns could be banned altogether except muskets and ball and cap revolvers then of the 350 million guns in this country, who will be left holding guns that have no paper trail, who will not have been a legal gun owner, where will many of the hidden/black market and self made guns end up ?
That's right, in the hands of criminals and hard core patriots, but one group will sit on them until the revolution, the others will be used for crime, the situation would get worse than ever, but it's not going to happen, not overnight, but if it could the result would be super criminals and defenseless citizens with no where near enough cops to save them. But this gun eradication is just not going to happen without a change to our Constitution, and that's not going to happen....maybe in 7 years if there's a Dem POTUS there could be some cosmetic restrictions and magazine round limits, but will that really fix anything ?
It's a nice pipe dream you have paul, a socialism utopia with no God and no guns, no wanting for food, housing or medical, but with the greedy self serving pocket stuffers we have in DC it just won't happen, we are already in too much debt even if we could find hero self sacrificing for the good of all leaders that don't exist.