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JLasers 700mW 520nm and 1.6W 450nm

Ears and Eggs

Staff member
LPF Site Supporter
Oct 1, 2007
These lasers are two awesome new additions to my collection, they are the JLasers 700mW 520nm and the 1.6W 450nm. They come in these amazing looking chrome hosts and use a single 14500 battery. Very solid high-quality host, up there with some of the high end LaserGlow portables I own like the golden Lyra. Been very impressed with them so far, the 450nm one being the highest power handheld I have ever owned. JLasers was also very quick to respond to a couple questions I had during the ordering process and shipped the lasers out very fast. Overall, I would definitely recommend these to anyone ready to go up to the higher power end of the hobby. (At this power, goggles are an absolute must, I wore a pair of LaserGlow OD 7 goggles while taking the pictures I used for this review) I will definitely be ordering again from JLasers, I need that 405nm one now to complete my rainbow. :D

On to the pictures! :D

The JLasers 700mW 520nm and the 1.6W 450nm.


Back view showing the really cool glow in the dark clicky switch and lanyard.


View of the business end show the adjustable focus lens.


A size comparison with some of the other lasers in my collection. Left to right: A 5mW red from Z-Bolt, a 15mW 488 and an 80mW 488 from a Discord group buy, the JLasers 700mW 520nm and the 1.6W 450nm, a Sanwu pocket 488nm, a Z-Bolt 5mW 450nm, and the LaserGlow Golden Lyra 5mW 532nm.


Some action shots! I used a small amount of fog for these pictures. These lasers are incredibly powerful, I was wearing LaserGlow OD 7 goggles while taking these pictures and didn't immediately notice the lasers had burned a small bit of paint right off the wall! :LOL:



Brightness comparison with the less powerful lasers in my collection. First without the two JLasers lasers on and second with them on. If you look closely in the first picture here, you can see the places where the paint got burned off that back wall here during the earlier photos. :LOL:


The JLasers 700mW 520nm and the 1.6W 450nm completely drown out the 5mW lasers in this shot. :ROFLMAO:


The two lasers shining through the fog across the room towards the camera. (Definitely be wearing goggles if you're going to be doing something like this)


A couple other closeups of the beams against the wall.



And finally, a couple random long exposures! :alien:



Nice, for the price and quality looks like JLasers are hard to beat and a great looking host to boot.

I remember LaserGlow from back in the day when I joined. Looks like their selection has dwindled since, used to offer more than just 532 & 635, like the $$ 589 Rigel & Vega series I drooled over.
Web archive link:
Thanks for sharing though, definitely want to pick up a JLaser at some point.
Any idea if they do their own assembly?
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Nice, for the price and quality looks like JLasers are hard to beat and a great looking host to boot.

I remember LaserGlow from back in the day when I joined. Looks like their selection has dwindled since, used to offer more than just 532 & 635, like the $$ 589 Rigel & Vega series I drooled over.
Web archive link:
Thanks for sharing though, definitely want to pick up a JLaser at some point.
Any idea if they do their own assembly?

For the price they really can't be beat for a complete unit. Sanwu level quality in the hosts for a great price. I believe they are each hand built by the owner of JLasers for each order. I'll definitely be picking up the 405nm and probably the 638 at some point too. :D

Yeah, sadly after the tougher restrictions on the handheld units started coming out LaserGlow really shifted away from portables and is mostly just selling lab units to commercial customers now. :cry: Some of the exotic wavelength CNI pens are really tough to find now. :cry:
You have an awesome collection! I also like smaller sized lasers so it's helpful to see size comparisons. I've recently talked to the JLaser owner and he seems pretty nice. He has a good warranty on his lasers and does repairs too!
Here is my 455nm 3.5w from JLasers with G2 lens looking over 4w also the duty cycle for this model is 30s on 5 min off. I wanted to test I had it on for about 3 minutes straight without any damage or power loss noticied after inserting freshly charged 14500 battery I would not recommend trying this tho but im sure is alright 1 min on and 5 off.20221011_141033-min.jpg20221018_201055-min.jpg
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Nice pics brother. And these J's seem to be a nice bang for the buck. I'm just a little concerned about the idea that if you accidently put the battery in backwards, all life in our galaxy's Alpha quadrant could be threatened. I could be a bit paranoid though.
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I've read the most of it and it does bother me that this mod JNader56 is promoting jlasers for and laughing about using lasers for attacking birds. We'll keep watch on future situations regarding jlasers but for now it just seems like a sour unfortunate situation. Is JNader56 a mod for jlasers?
I've read the most of it and it does bother me that this mod JNader56 is promoting jlasers for and laughing about using lasers for attacking birds. We'll keep watch on future situations regarding jlasers but for now it just seems like a sour unfortunate situation. Is JNader56 a mod for jlasers?
Yes, the lasersarefun subreddit is Jlaser's JNader's own subreddit (he is the owner and only mod). Considering JNader is now messaging me stuff like this it seems he has a vested interest to continue promoting Jlaser (he promotes nobody else). I just realized both names start with J(Nader56 or Laser) so it would be hilarious if this ended up being an alt.

Edit: The laserarefun subreddit is JNader56's subreddit (got mixed up when making this comment on my phone). There is no proof JLaser and JNader56 are the same person.


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Never would I EVER encourage the use of lasers for wildlife control. I even warn buyers of not using their higher than 5mW pointers as public presentation tools. (something jkxs has asked me to build for him, a 50mW pointer for public presentation and I have refused)
I always advocate the use of goggles, in all and any circumstances!

Jnader might be more lax than I am on using lasers for whatever reason, that has nothing to do with me.
We are not the same person. Jesus almighty..
JNader56 is not a mod for me. I don't even know what that means lol
Jnader is simply impressed with my lasers, likes lasers and likes the work I do.

"We'll keep watch on future situations regarding jlasers" .. what have I done wrong here?
Unown WILD simply don't like me because I made this thread:
Which you then proceeded to call me a crybaby on discord:

I'm not paying this guy to say anything, he approached me to promote my products and we're working on cool new laser designs.
What does this have anything to do with me and wildlife? That's his opinions, not mine.

This is a huge waste of time, mine and yours alike. (JKXS)

I ALWAYS refund customers when I take too long to make their lasers or don't reply fast enough, these are my problems and I deal with them accordingly and as best I can.

I really don't appreciate you (JKXS) defaming my business and my name like this. For everyone who wants to read our conversation, have a look:

I treat all my customers with utmost respect, JKXS is not a customer of mine, he never ordered or paid for anything.
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Never would I EVER encourage the use of lasers for wildlife control. I even warn buyers of not using their higher than 5mW pointers as public presentation tools. (something jkxs has asked me to build for him, a 50mW pointer for public presentation and I have refused)
I always advocate the use of goggles, in all and any circumstances!

Jnader might be more lax than I am on using lasers for whatever reason, that has nothing to do with me.
We are not the same person. Jesus almighty..
JNader56 is not a mod for me. I don't even know what that means lol

I have done nothing wrong.
"We'll keep watch on future situations regarding jlasers" .. what have I done wrong here lol?
Jnader is simply impressed with my lasers, likes lasers and likes the work I do.

I'm not paying this guy to say anything, he approached me to promote my products and we're working on cool new laser designs.
What does this have anything to do with me and wildlife? That's his opinions, not mine.

jkxs, you're just salty because you didn't get the service you felt entitled to, and unown, you dislike me because I speak my truths and we've argued before.

Give it a rest with the drama.

This is a huge waste of time.

TLDR: I try my best, in terms of replying to all my customers, annoying or not ;)
I don't believe anyone has accused you of that. Only JNader as seen in one of the links provided by jksx.

I'd hardly say that admitting to laughing and telling people that shooting geese with lasers is hilarious is being "lax". Is not JNader a mod for your subreddit or not? You don't know what it means? Now that is a blatant lie. You know exactly what a mod is and JNader banned jksx from your subreddit. To say you don't know what that means really raises a red flag for me.

No one said you did anything wrong but a situation has emerged that we're just trying to get the full story on. And yes I will keep a watch on things as I see fit both on this forum and in our discord. If that bothers you then I don't know what else to say to you.

Okay that's fine but if he's going around promoting unsafe use of lasers openly and is a mod on your own subreddit then you might want to have a talk to him about that before he gets bad publicity on you.

I don't appreciate your tone here. I don't know where you got the idea that I disliked you nor what arguments you are talking about but I suggest you drop the attitude and insults. I don't know what went on with you two in private but I have not been provided evidence that you denied him service from the start.
I could care less if you don't want a customer or not. That's totally your business. But don't start telling me to stop wasting time when it's my time to waste. Your reply should have been professional and provide information that shows what happened instead of getting all bent out of shape.

Oh nice. Not afraid to call your customers annoying. Very nice touch.
