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So many bots on LPF


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2020
Why are there SO many bots spamming new threads?
Can this be mitigated with captchas on sign up?

Are the moderators / admins active in this forum?
Kinda makes me want to switch forums if this one is so polluted by bots..?

Unown (WILD)

Well-known member
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LPF Site Supporter
Sep 4, 2020
First of all you don't even know how much work Earsandeggs and I tirelessly work to clean this crap up? We are overwhelmed with constantly removing and deleting spam? You want to leave though I can show you the door? Otherwise keep it to yourself? We don't get paid for this either so cut us some slack?
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Well-known member
Dec 14, 2020
Thanks for deleting all the recent bot entries!
Seems I got your attention haha, although not the way I wanted to :(

I'm sorry if you took offense to my thread.
I was simply enquiring as to why the forum is so flooded by bots.
It would be nice to see some preventative measures against this.
Please don't take this the wrong way, I wasn't at all trying to disrespect your work or the staff.

Understandably, seeing this many bots on a forum does not encourage users to post and be active there.

I would gladly help out as an admin/mod cleaning up the forum if that would help!
However, I believe a registration captcha measure would prevent bots entirely?

I don't think advocating censorship to this forum's users is a wise idea, I have the right to express my opinions, this is what a forum is for!
I think you need to take things with a grain of salt and not take this personally, because it was not meant to be taken that way.

My post was not meant to be insultive or provocative in any way and was more meant to see why there are so many bots, as I just dont understand why there aren't any preventative measures in place to prevent them being created so easily.

Anyways, cheers!

Unown (WILD)

Well-known member
Staff member
LPF Site Supporter
Sep 4, 2020
As much as I like eating piles of weight loss CBD gummies and playing with lasers, the ads do get annoying. If you ever need any extra help moderating that stuff just let me know.
We could definitely use another mod. Ill talk to avery about it. You definitely would qualify. You run a great business and you handle bad situations well. I'll get back to you on that.

Thanks for deleting all the recent bot entries!
Seems I got your attention haha, although not the way I wanted to :(

I'm sorry if you took offense to my thread.
I was simply enquiring as to why the forum is so flooded by bots.
It would be nice to see some preventative measures against this.
Please don't take this the wrong way, I wasn't at all trying to disrespect your work or the staff.

Understandably, seeing this many bots on a forum does not encourage users to post and be active there.

I would gladly help out as an admin/mod cleaning up the forum if that would help!
However, I believe a registration captcha measure would prevent bots entirely?

I don't think advocating censorship to this forum's users is a wise idea, I have the right to express my opinions, this is what a forum is for!
I think you need to take things with a grain of salt and not take this personally, because it was not meant to be taken that way.

My post was not meant to be insultive or provocative in any way and was more meant to see why there are so many bots, as I just dont understand why there aren't any preventative measures in place to prevent them being created so easily.

Anyways, cheers!
Dude you threatened to leave the forum after crying over a few spam threads. When someone says that after complaining how can you not assume anyone to react badly? You came off as a pampered crybaby while crapping on the work both me and simon do for this forum. Next time think before you post.

BTW you didn't get my attention in the way you expected. I remove spam every few hours besides sleeping regardless who complains so don't even think you had anything to do with my dailies.

Edit: I would not suggest you as a mod for a few reasons. 1 You do seem like a nice guy but if you're bothered by and suggest leaving the forum because of the spam then you are not fit to be a mod on lpf. 2 You're relatively new still to lpf with only 143 posts. You have to be a veteran at least. 3 Have you contributed at all to lpf as in donations? I ask this because you do have a business now and since you've gotten free advertisement maybe a small donation would show good faith but this is just a suggestion. At any rate no offense but you do not qualify at this time.
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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2020
This is quite simple to fix through some very basic regex run on thread creation or via a much-needed CAPTCHA on user registration (just don't allow audio-only CAPTCHAs, those can be easily bypassed with basic machine learning nowadays).

You could even do a one-time thing where every single member in the forum needs to answer a captcha on their next site access, and then prune the members who repeatedly failed to prove they are human and have zero messages so far to filter out the existing bots (use a custom script of course, don't go crazy trying to manually fight the bots)
