Sometimes they have trouble imaging the stroke damage. My wife had a series of strokes, and it took them almost a YEAR to find the damaged areas and diagnose how it occurred.
Her damage was to the left side of her brain, so the right side of her body was paralyzed, etc...the opposite of yours.
After the initial stroke damage, she suffered from aura related collateral damage, which is analogous to the wave of current that flows out in migraines, and can actually mimic stroke symptoms. It got to the point where we couldn't tell the auras from the strokes, and she had hundreds of TIA sized strokes.
The brain does learn to rewire itself, so, if you have some functionality, it does tend to get better with time. It may not come back 100%, but, as you age, nothing's EVER 100% anyway.
My wife went from paralyzed on left side, and not being able to talk, to now being able to walk and talk, and if you didn't know about her strokes, you may not notice anything unusual anymore.
Hang in there buddy!