I'm just curious: it's difficult to mount the 10x adapter? There is the possibility to scratch the host?
How about the beam after mounting 10x adapter? It start big and end very thin? I have read that the 10x expander offer an excellent burning capability also at great distances (like 100 ft and so on ..)
Mounting the beam expander is easy.
First you (ofcourse) open the lens shutter on the laser itself.
Then you put the Beam expander over the lens shutter.
There are 3 screws that need screwed down onto the host.
These screws are Nylon-Tipped Mounting screws so you won't damage the host.
Nylon-Tipped Screw example.
But before you do that, you want to make sure the expander and the laser (beam) are aligned.
So you put the laser 1 meter from the wall (White wall is first choise without burning stuff ^^)
Now you make the laser dot as big as possible true the expander.
This way you can align the beam going true the expander.
When you have a nice big round dot, you screw the Nylon tipped screws tight.
When that is done you can adjust the distance you want to burn or shine at on the expander itself by twisting it.
Once you got the desired focus point there's another nylon tipped screw to secure that setting.
The beam comming out of the laser expander is Big from the beginning and get's tighter as it goes.
Yes it will burn over long distances with it
Cheers, SMeerworst.