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FrozenGate by Avery

I'm back....

Feb 28, 2008
Just wanted to say hello again (to those "old timers" who remember me) and hello to those who don't. I've been absent for far too long and glad to be back!


Welcome back

Were you in jail? :na:

Wow, havent seen a post from you since around the time I joined.

Happy to have more women here. :beer:
Cool, great to have you back! You will want to familiarize yourself with the 445nm. (As if you haven't already) :D :beer:
How's it going...???
Where have you been...???
Glad to see you back....:wave:

Nice to know you guys remembered me! Actually I've been working hard at expanding my business (non-laser related & hasn't left me with much time at all to enjoy my lasers and converse with other laser enthusiasts) which has taken off like a rocket here in the last year or so. I finally hired some help and now find myself with a little time to pay a visit here and fire up my argons so they won't die on me.

And yes, the last I visited here 445nm was just a hope and a dream (or perhaps there were a few diodes available but were extraordinarily pricey; way out the range of the average laserist), and yes, that's the next color on my list of lasers to acquire.
Schrecken_Licht :)
I'm glad to read you again :beer:
Read a lot about you! Nice to see you live-posting now :wave:
I'll second that holy crap! I remember maybe one or two posts from you when I first joined. I definitely enjoyed your YouTube videos of your monster lasers in action. Welcome back indeed! :beer:
Hey I was just starting to wander what happened to you when i stumble across this post.
Welcome back.
