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I glue animals to rocks

Call it trolling or just putting out some (fish) bait- some of you got taken-
just like ths joke--
What does
A lady do sitting down
A man does standing up and a dog does on three legs
hint its not what you think--lol
answer later if nobody has it.

back on topic- his use for a high power laser is totally legit-
It works better for these salt tank pests than other methods-

I got a PM from him- and will reply here...

WOW !!200gal SALT!!--:D sweet-
I would both love and hate to have that-
closest I ever got was 150 gal Chichlid tank-beautiful and interesting fish-- I miss them--:cryyy:

I worked for a few years at a Pet Shop and even tho I got a big discount and had a working knowledge on salt, I never felt I was qualified to have one-- So many times I would see customers wanting to buy salt fish and they had fresh tanks-- and no clue about how much work and knowledge they require. Some wanted to do a 10 or 20 Gal tank and thought the could buy the tank and fish the same day!!! duh!!

So PLZ share some picks of your tank-- WELCOME to the forums and keep that sense of humor-- not all here are dead serious and many love their pets etc--

on your OP-- you can say--:wave:GOTCHA!!--lol:thanks:
Wow. 200 gallons is just amazing. I would really love to see pics of that monster. Biggest thing I got right now is a puny 20 gallon freshwater planted tank.
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lol at this whole thread, witty :D

so i guess you are killing pests in your tank with the laser? we have had a few guys pass through using them for that. good luck

here is one of the threads i dug up http://laserpointerforums.com/f44/laser-frying-pest-anemones-reef-aquarium-69147.html


Thanks for the link bennett326, I have a 180gal reef tank with a slight aptasia problem and I've searched for related info but I don't think I've come across that thread.
I usually use a chemical aptasia killer but I've never liked that method.

Welcome leanofpeak :)
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I do have to agree that the intro troll was one of the best I have seen in a long time. Gotta love how perfectly it worked making people think he was a freak XD
I freaked out because some of my friends would actually do that :o

Hoping to see more funny things in days to come,
Hey guys...

Thank you for the warm welcome and kind words. i really wanted to let the subterfuge run for a couple days, but after Zee swallowed the bait hook, line, and sinker, I thought otherwise.

After all, I have orders in with Blord, Jerry/Laserbee, Gray/Jetlaser, and Len/Hak...All a pleasure to work with and very professional...I didn't want one of them refundng my money because of the glue thing.

Here is the video that inspired me:

Marine Aquarists Laser Series - Aiptasia - YouTube

As you can see, he recommends "maximum output available". He should of just said, "more power scotty" as that is the kind of language I speak. So me being the horsepower junkie that i am went looking for something with some grunt. Like Corvette ZR1 grunt, even though I prefer Porsches.

When I get the goods I will surely document my drama on video for all to enjoy.

Hak/Zee...just re-aquascaped last week. I am a minimalist, and am now going extreme minimal. Kind of like when a vegetarian goes vegan. Will get a new fts posted up soon.

It's going to be a good year...
I only recommend putting the pictures in the first thread. The WTF factor would have been the same but without the "FU" response.
HA! This thread is awesome! I had a 90gal Cichlid tank for years, but when I moved last spring I had no way of transporting it, so a friend of mine has the whole setup now. Although lately I've been thinking about starting a tropical saltwater tank, I know it's a huge commitment so I'm still undecided. I might just start a colony of hermit crabs instead, they're pretty awesome too... anyway I would love to see some shots of your tank!
My Cichlid tank was all natural as could be- I hate to see those plastic plants, treasure chests and plastic deep sea divers- I had a very large placostimus(like 8 inches long) that was many years old and a jumbo clown loach
that was the biggest I had ever seen- at least 6 inches- big enough that the cichlids left him alone. So much can go wrong with a salt tank I just resigned myself to brackish water and nice colbalt cichlids. Never cared for Oscars (also a cichlid as well as anglefish) nor those ugly pacus(another cichlid IIRC).

Pacus in S America end up in the frying pan.
Like Hak, I also do not keep any sort of plastic decorations in my tank. Only live plants and a nice piece of driftwood.
Nice way to attract attention to yourself.....:crackup:
You almost had me going....
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Or you glue rocks to animals?

Welcome to the forum and nice intro thread. I'm a fishkeeper hobbyist aswell and can't wait to see those vids.

@ hakzaw and Zeebit
I'm on the same page and never like to see plastic decor in a take, real plants and wood is the way to go!
