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How sanitary are you? (Hands)

Do you wash your hands after using the restroom?


    Votes: 17 48.6%

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Only when I take a dump

    Votes: 5 14.3%
  • Only when I urinate

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sometimes....Just depends on where I am

    Votes: 10 28.6%

  • Total voters
Jan 23, 2009
Do you wash your hands after using the restroom?

Sorry all, I found the first one so interesting, I decided to make another one.
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Damn, beat me to it.

I do a lot of work with chemicals, copy toner, and other nasty things.

Why so many personal polls, looking for a date??:crackup:

Not from here..LOL

Just curious to see the habits of people from around the world...that's all. :)
it depends on if I'm home or not. i work at a sewage treatment plant, so if i have had poo on my hands, i wash them before.
Depends, if the bathroom is actually dirtier than my hands, there's no soap and no towels then I won't wash them since I probably have my hands clean. No use washing your hands only with water.
Sometimes before and after depending on what I've been handling before that. If I've been messing with chemicals then I'll definitely wash before, and with all of the skin diseases going around I wash before because I do NOT want that stuff near my balls...lol.
When I am home, I only wash after taking a dump. When I am out in public, I wash regardless, especially if I am in a restaurant and about to eat.
I wash my hands before and after using the washroom; other than that, I usually don't wash my hands for anything else.

Now that I think about it, I should really get in the habit of washing my hands before eating. Especially thinking back on the sandwich I had the other day....
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Always. I've seen around 70% of guys not wash there hands after pissing in a restroom. Freaking gross. Its not bad enough your dick sweat is on your hand, but you always get blow back from the urinal, and the flush handle has 30 other guys dick sweat on it.
Depends on where I'm at most of the time. My hands would get covered in grease and other crap during my old job. I'd always wash before with my old job. Most of the time I just wash after taking a dump.

Its not bad enough your dick sweat is on your hand, but you always get blow back from the urinal, and the flush handle has 30 other guys dick sweat on it.

Always. I've seen around 70% of guys not wash there hands after pissing in a restroom. Freaking gross. Its not bad enough your dick sweat is on your hand, but you always get blow back from the urinal, and the flush handle has 30 other guys dick sweat on it.


Dude, I always use the little kiddie urinals, I'd rather sprinkle my shoes than my hands, then I kick the lever with my foot.

In most rest rooms, I gather the paper towels before I wash, so I don't have to turn that filthy crank handle with clean hands.

Then I push the exit door open with my foot.

If the door pulls open, I usually keep a spare paper towel to pull it open.

I never #2 anywhere but home, Can't bring myself to sit down on public toilets, I would hate to be a chick..........
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I wash my hands before and after going to the toilet, as well as before eating anything. I also wash them basically every time they get dirty, unless I will be using them for more dirty stuff soon. (eg. I will not wash my hands after cleaning my bike if I am going to mow the lawn just after.)
If the toilet flush or the tap is not automatic I will usually use my sleeve or a paper towel to cover my hand and likewise with the door out of there. If I have to do a number 2 in a public toilet I will cover the seat with paper towels first.
I have a policy of never shaking the hand of anyone I have seen does not wash his hands after using the toilet. I don't get why so many people do not maintain basic hygiene. It takes 10 seconds to make sure you are not covered in loads of people's faecal matter and ball sweat, avoid a lot of diseases and not be regarded as gross by a lot of others.

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Thats truely DISTURBING :eek:

Good thing i already ate
