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How much are you in Debt?

How much are you in debt?

  • $0-1,000

    Votes: 12 15.6%
  • $1,000-2,500

    Votes: 4 5.2%
  • $2,500-5,000

    Votes: 4 5.2%
  • $5,000-10,000

    Votes: 2 2.6%
  • $10,000-20,000

    Votes: 4 5.2%
  • $20,000-40,000

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • $40,000-80,000

    Votes: 4 5.2%
  • $80,000-160,000

    Votes: 2 2.6%
  • $160,000++++

    Votes: 8 10.4%

    Votes: 37 48.1%

  • Total voters
Wow you're fuckin retard?

Don't you mean wow you're fuckin retarded.



  • TROLL.jpg
    55.5 KB · Views: 78

Wow you're fuckin retard?

Don't you mean wow you're fuckin retarded.


That's the joke n00b. Epic win!!!:wave:

:crackup:Troll ?:crackup: You are the biggest troll I've ever seen. :crackup: I at least have an opinion or joke. You ask about stuff that just pops in your head without thinking about it first, you make the most stupidest comments I've ever read and you kiss more ass than your mother. You cant even figure out how to embed a picture. You are funny man. :crackup:

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I got girlfriend (yes, it's really expensive) and gonna have a car soon. I'm earning 200-300$ but I need to save most of it because I'm gonna buy a laptop next week and I need it to be expensive. Got 2000$ right now :D

ah, btw, no debts xD

Its funny how you guys say a girlfriend is expensive. You need to train your women better. My girl always tries to pay for herself and 4-5 times a week she'll bring something home for me. She loves anything I buy for her. I have bought her a few cheap rings and she always acts like I bought her diamonds.

In the beginning of the relationship the worst thing you can do is start blowing money on her. She will always look at you as a source for funds, or base her happiness on how much money you spend. You have to reinforce the notion that a thought is worth way more to you than money. And that you both are working for a future. This way anything you buy her is grateful accepted, and you can make he kick in on dinners, ect because you both are in it together. :)
Its funny how you guys say a girlfriend is expensive. You need to train your women better. My girl always tries to pay for herself and 4-5 times a week she'll bring something home for me. She loves anything I buy for her. I have bought her a few cheap rings and she always acts like I bought her diamonds.

In the beginning of the relationship the worst thing you can do is start blowing money on her. She will always look at you as a source for funds, or base her happiness on how much money you spend. You have to reinforce the notion that a thought is worth way more to you than money. And that you both are working for a future. This way anything you buy her is grateful accepted, and you can make he kick in on dinners, ect because you both are in it together. :)

I'm not sayint it's expensive because I need to give her jewells, it's expensive because we are going to the cinema, etc.. Lots of things inwhich ofc we split the waste but things that i wouldn't do if I was alone. The realationship is expensive, not her :D (I supose this costs areaffordable for you guys working, but you should uinderstnad that for me that earn 200$, wasting 50 every month in going to eat out, cinema, blablalba is the fourth part of my monthly funds :/ )

Me too brother. I live on under $700 a month. Divide that by rent, utilities, car, food, ect, it does not leave much for play. But you can do a lot of things for free, or maybe the price of gasoline and a short trip to the supermarket to buy supplies. We do a lot of road trips, picnics, ect. When we stay away we go during the week and in off season.
I guess the almost 60% of people that voted they have no debt still live with their parents. Buy a house someday, bam!, instant debt.
These days it's true like in Australia gotta save up all your cash to get a house when you're young, pretty much takes away all your cash!
I got girlfriend (yes, it's really expensive) and gonna have a car soon. I'm earning 200-300$ but I need to save most of it because I'm gonna buy a laptop next week and I need it to be expensive. Got 2000$ right now :D

ah, btw, no debts xD


:thinking: Why do you need your laptop to be expensive...:thinking:

I'm lucky in that my parents have a good amount of savings to help pay for school. That said I have about $1500 in government student loans. By the time I'm done with school I'll probably have about $20-40,000 in debt :(
I'm not in too much debt because I'm 16 and my car is paid off, but that will change when I buy a new car. I still owe money for a camera I bought though.
You guys are all small-time so far..

My debt list:

House = still owe about $140,000US

Car = still owe about $5000US

School = still owe about $43,000US

Daughter = still owe about $230,000US (based on this table not including college costs)

total debt = $418,000US
I'm lucky to be in no debt, but i have few savings either, and no fixed income. What I make is from web design or computer work, but I have a few other side-projects which help give me "pocket money" from time to time. I don't know much about what my parents have saved in the way of university, but currently I am guessing it isn't much (With my dad's entire department facing layoffs, it's not exactly encouraging). I don't have a car, but nor do I need one (People say public transport is awful, but it works for me well enough)
