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FrozenGate by Avery

Help with I.D.'ing Laser Diode

This is where I am flying back to in in two weeks to meet up with my client. Hate all you want, I am used to it.

This view is much better on the yacht we take out everytime!

[/URL] Uploaded with ImageShack.us[/IMG]

Your rusty ass delorian doesn't beat 4 luxury cars of which I need not mention their names. All of you poor ass loathing bastards just look at the Jupiter Island, Florida picture and get envious like your feminine natures are suppose to.
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Seriously, there is no need to act so bitchy.

There are thousands of different models of laser diodes. Expecting a person to identify and know the exact specifications of some random diode from a blurry picture is crazy and you were lucky anyone even tried to help you.

As to your diode, apply 3v ~300ma. Seeing as you are the professional and we are "armatures", there is no need for me to bore you with the details like how to heatsink, columnate, build a proper driver, or practice laser safety. I'm sure you'll figure the rest out, you invented MRI and airport metal detectors after all.

Oh, and just so you know you are not the only person who goes to Florida in the summer. I'm flying out the day after tomorrow to go lay on the sunny beaches of Key West.

There is your info, no further comments are nessecary.

Edit: And what the hell kind of person hates on a delorian? I think you are just jealous.
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you all are armatures with shit for information.

Quoting so he doesn't edit it..

We're .. what?


Are you really telling me, that you're an experienced "systems engineer" .. who needs to tear open a second hand drive instead of ordering a known-good $8.00 (max) part from Digi-Key (As an engineer, you're VERY familiar with Digi-Key, Mouser and Newark, I'm *sure*), and...

You mean to call us "amateurs" but call us "armatures" ?

Let's have a quick little lesson.













Yeah I know, I mixed that last one up for you. Sometimes things are tricky like that.

I find it absolutely unbelievable, that you post a foggy, blurry, nondescript image of a component still in its housing, and expect whitepapers and spec sheets back.

Such behavior (And yes, *behavior*, because you are acting like a child who hasn't received his toy) - on ANY forum, even a "PROFESSIONAL" one, would generally get you FAR less assistance than what you got here.

You asked for wavelength. Qumefox gave you that. You asked for specifications. Qumefox gave you that.

Here, "SysEng", if you are indeed one. Let's play a little game.

Now, you're a SYSTEMS ENGINEER. A high-falootin' PROFESSIONAL systems engineer, with luxury cars and a whole sh*tload of degrees.

I want you to identify this common component for me. A common electrolytic capacitor.

But I want:

-the capacitance
-the voltage
-the ESR
-the manufacturer

And please point me to a whitepaper.

Here you go, I took a photo that's about the equivalent detail of what you first supplied:



Oh, right, you supplied some more photos. Better ones. Yep. No problem.




Or are you too much of an 'armature' to supply one? I'll call you out, SysEng.

You may be old. that's true.
You may have worked on some teams that developed some interesting items.

But you're no engineer. Engineers by REQUISITE NATURE have a problem-solving mentality. Not a "let me poop this image onto a message board and expect service" mentality.

And, let me tell you, "friend" - Good luck, REAL good luck (you'll need it) approaching any "PROFESSIONAL" optics or laser boards with this kind of attitude.

You come on and bandy about years of tenure and ambiguous claims to patents as some kind of defense to acting like a complete douchebag. There are people OLDER THAN YOU, and MORE EXPERIENCED THAN YOU on this "armature" board.

But by all means, try another venue!

If you succeed, especially in having a "WHITEPAPER" vomited back at you as soon as you post your blurry, microscopic, "I use a flatbed scanner as a camera because while I have multiple luxury cars I can't afford a g-damn $99 PowerShot" pictures--

BY ALL MEANS, come back and rub it in our faces.

But don't worry.

I'm not worried.

It won't happen.

I really appreciate you posting the view from your yacht.

This view is much better on the yacht we take out everytime!

[/URL] Uploaded with ImageShack.us[/IMG]

Yacht, eh?
Nice yacht, there, SysEng.

Here's the view from my plane.


Oh. Wait. That's right. I don't have to hide it behind a crappy indecipherable picture that could be an image of *anything*.


Who's the amateur, again?

(Professional and Credentialed Engineer and Pilot)
(No, Really)
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I could care less and no I do not believe you are a Systems Engineer disciplined in what, degrees please?

Do you need more photos of JUpiter Island, Florida to look at. It is very exquisite there this time of years. As a pilot you should know your topograghy right? like I said Beautiful this time of your can't wait to fly back down there. Only a 2 hr 40 minute direct chartered flight into PBI(Citation V) from where I get picked up from.

Need more pictures to look at?

I am not a photographer I believe that was established earlier if you could read, nobody.
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I could care less and no I do not believe you are a Systems Engineer disciplined in what, degrees please?

Yours first, buddy.

Need more pictures to look at?

Yes, please! Your luxury cars, to start! It's easy, too. Just write "LPF" on a piece of paper, and place it next to the hood ornament or model badges of your luxury cars.

Not a problem!
I wasn't going to comment in this thread again but I have to..

If the mod's do something about this thread, which I imagine they will.. Can they just lock this thread instead of deleting it outright? Aryntha's epic post deserves to be preserved for all posterity. :D

Though you should post some of the night shots over Denver, Aryntha. Those are much more cool looking.
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Why is SysEng still here?

At first it seemed like he wanted to prove something, but so far all he's accomplished was making himself look like the most fucking incompetent, dipshit engineer ever to grace the profession.
I... wow.

Someone get aryntha his 1,000 free internets that he just won. Damn.

This thread was a good read. Thanks SysEng. Left you another red bar. :)

34 years Systems engineer and IEEE member. You sure don't act like it. You should have a team that help you in your research and have direct access to laser components from companies that make the actual laser diodes (Nichia, OSRAM, Optek, Thorlabs). I don't see the professionalism in taking diodes off an optical writer for your client. Where are your engineering ethics? :whistle:
You don't have enough money to play with me 'pilot'. You are better of taking your 'commercial pay' and flying somewhere. Minor victories are for minor league coaches!
Judging by the fact that I was the continued target even though I had ceased commenting, I think he was trolling trying to see if he could get me 'butthurt'. But I think everyone here has seen their share of noobs with overblown egos who believe they're the god of all things technological to let it get to them. I know I certainly have.
You don't have enough money to play with me 'pilot'.

:whistle: Yeah, that's what I thought.

(By the way, it's engineer *and* pilot, thanks. Funny thing is, a lot of people here know that. Ahem... Okay, okay, I get it, you can only be one or the other. No prob, I can play along!)

"Well played, sea captain! Take your fishermans' salary and uhh.. err.. sailing somewh.. Jonas... Ahab.. Barnacles... SPORTS ANALOGY." Sorry. I just couldn't, Chief.

Anyhow, I'm guessing you just couldn't fit your luxury cars on your flatbed scanner. Can't afford anything more than a Blackberry to take pictures of your "yacht"?

Come on though. Your degrees, that's GOTTA be easy. Just scan 'em! Like you did that diode! And, again, of course, a little piece of paper with it, saying "LPF". That's all. Simple! Pwn us ALL! Show us all a thing or two, you alpha dog you!

We have a saying on the internet, SysEng.

Pics or it didn't happen.

And as far as I'm concerned, your majesty, you pretty much just cemented that one pret-ty damn solid.

I'll be over here waiting for your coup d'grace, should it suit your fancy to provide it.
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I found the WHITESHEET you requested. I took a picture with my DSLR... didn't come out well though, I'm not a photographer. :rolleyes:

It's a screenshot of a blurry picture of my computer screen displaying a blurry picture of the datasheet overexposed with flash.

It contains all the information possible based on the original image you posted.


No need to stay and thank me... you have your information, now you can leave. :)

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As much neg rep given and reporting this threads to mods, I'm suprised he is still here.
