you all are armatures with shit for information.
Quoting so he doesn't edit it..
We're .. what?
Are you really telling me, that you're an experienced "systems engineer" .. who needs to tear open a second hand drive instead of ordering a known-good $8.00 (max) part from Digi-Key (As an engineer, you're VERY familiar with Digi-Key, Mouser and Newark, I'm *sure*), and...
You mean to call us "amateurs" but call us "armatures" ?
Let's have a quick little lesson.
Yeah I know, I mixed that last one up for you. Sometimes things are tricky like that.
I find it absolutely unbelievable, that you post a foggy, blurry, nondescript image of a component still in its housing, and expect whitepapers and spec sheets back.
Such behavior (And yes, *behavior*, because you are acting like a child who hasn't received his toy) - on ANY forum, even a "PROFESSIONAL" one, would generally get you FAR less assistance than what you got here.
You asked for wavelength. Qumefox gave you that. You asked for specifications. Qumefox gave you that.
Here, "SysEng", if you are indeed one. Let's play a little game.
Now, you're a SYSTEMS ENGINEER. A high-falootin' PROFESSIONAL systems engineer, with luxury cars and a whole sh*tload of degrees.
I want you to identify this common component for me. A common electrolytic capacitor.
But I want:
-the capacitance
-the voltage
-the ESR
-the manufacturer
And please point me to a whitepaper.
Here you go, I took a photo that's about the equivalent detail of what you first supplied:
Oh, right, you supplied some more photos. Better ones. Yep. No problem.
Or are you too much of an 'armature' to supply one? I'll call you out, SysEng.
You may be old. that's true.
You may have worked on some teams that developed some interesting items.
But you're no engineer. Engineers by REQUISITE NATURE have a problem-solving mentality. Not a "let me poop this image onto a message board and expect service" mentality.
And, let me tell you, "friend" - Good luck, REAL good luck (you'll need it) approaching any "PROFESSIONAL" optics or laser boards with this kind of attitude.
You come on and bandy about years of tenure and ambiguous claims to patents as some kind of defense to acting like a complete douchebag. There are people OLDER THAN YOU, and MORE EXPERIENCED THAN YOU on this "armature" board.
But by all means, try another venue!
If you succeed, especially in having a "WHITEPAPER" vomited back at you as soon as you post your blurry, microscopic, "I use a flatbed scanner as a camera because while I have multiple luxury cars I can't afford a g-damn $99 PowerShot" pictures--
BY ALL MEANS, come back and rub it in our faces.
But don't worry.
I'm not worried.
It won't happen.
I really appreciate you posting the view from your yacht.
This view is much better on the yacht we take out everytime!
[/URL] Uploaded with[/IMG]
Yacht, eh?
Nice yacht, there, SysEng.
Here's the view from my plane.
Oh. Wait. That's right. I don't have to hide it behind a crappy indecipherable picture that could be an image of *anything*.
Who's the amateur, again?
(Professional and Credentialed Engineer and Pilot)
(No, Really)