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Hello to everyone

Jan 17, 2014
I just wanted to introduce myself and say hello to everyone.
My name is Jason and I currently reside in upstate New York, USA. I am originally from Connecticut, USA.
I have been lurking around the forums for quite a while now and you all seem to have a vast collection of lasers. Ever since I was a kid I have had an interest in lasers but never realized that I wasn't the only one until I found this forum.
I am looking into some builds I would like to try and have been pricing things out. I have so many ideas and look forward to sharing them with everyone; as well as receiving constructive criticism and some tips along the way.
As for my personal life, I am 32, married with 2 kids, 3 step kids, and my cat. I work in a car dealership in the parts department. I make enough money to get by but not much more than that. I am also a DJ part time. Usually my dreams are much bigger than my bank acct, but in all actuality, who's aren't?
I hope to see everyone around the forums and get to know everyone. :yh:


Oct 13, 2013
Hey Jason. Tony here.

I think we all stretch our budgets a little for these things.

What were you looking into building? 445 maybe ? Lol

Lots of by experienced helpful people here.

Make sure to get some good glasses before anything. Personally it was hard for me to spend a good chunk of change on glasses, but trust me, they are needed.
Jan 17, 2014
Lol 445 seems to be the way to go from everything I have read.
I came across a couple of Rick Trents items on Ebay and think that will be a good starting point. His kit on Ebay comes with everything, including glasses which is a big help with cost. I messaged him in regards to the kit and he left me his phone number so I just need to call him to verify that everything will fit together.
The kit I was looking at is 1 5W 445nm Blue Laser Kit Black Host Diode Lens Driver Focusable Lens 1 Mod | eBay
And the host I would like to use is Zobbie Killer UltraFire C8 Q5 LED Tactical Flashlight w Battery Charger | eBay
It wouldn't really be much of a build per say but I figure it's a starting point. If you have any thoughts on this they are much appreciated.
Jun 20, 2013
I recommend you get the eagle pair laser safety glasses from survival laser instead of the ones he provides. The ones that come with the kit look like they will protect against some of the light but I wouldn't trust them for close up burning.
Jan 17, 2014
I recommend you get the eagle pair laser safety glasses from survival laser instead of the ones he provides. The ones that come with the kit look like they will protect against some of the light but I wouldn't trust them for close up burning.

Thanks so much for the link. Hearing from the community will play a big role in my purchases and builds due to the fact you all have the expertise and experience backing your thoughts and decisions.
Apr 2, 2009

One of the better intro threads-- well done--+5

There are some fine members up your way- also a laser meeting has been planned
(NELEM)- we worth the effort to attend- I go to the 'biggie' Last 4 years and its an 18hr drive each way look for the vids on YTube= search 'SELEM Laser'-

some of the best lessons and help comes in person- hands-on.

Any LPM member/owner near you will always be happy to meter any of your lasers. We even have a map showing where LOTS are located that have LPMs.
BTW explain 1173-- Nov 1973?

i suggest buying from trusted Vet members here- look for those short on cash and selling some of their collection- (like me.) I removed all my handhelds(. >60) from my sig- in favor of laser projectors and gas lasers-.

Send your $$ TO CHINA??- only if the seller has a good rep here (about 5% are to be trusted)

The warranty from most forces the buyer to pay all shipping on defective or failed lasers-
can cost more than the laser did.. If you ship back cheap it may never arrive- catch 22.

A set of pointers RGV can now be had at Ebay for less than 12$ - they may not last long but at that price who can bitch. let them rest/cool every 2 min is a good idea..

these pics were taken on a foggy night with $4 pointers


  • 12  $3 rgv pens from china foggy nite 011.jpg
    12 $3 rgv pens from china foggy nite 011.jpg
    186.6 KB · Views: 57
  • 12  $3 rgv pens from china foggy nite 018.jpg
    12 $3 rgv pens from china foggy nite 018.jpg
    187.6 KB · Views: 53


Aug 25, 2010
Welcome! Google DTR laser site for extremely well priced components. Hit up Survival Lasers or a Forum machinist for a host. Dont skimp too much on the soldering iron. A cheap soldering iron tip will ruin many a diode/driver. Go for a small finely pointed tip and keep it clean. Check out Fasttech.com for great prices on panasonic 18650 lithium ion batteries to driver your builds. Maybe pick up a cheap tripod on the same order. Lastly if you can find one this time of year, a fog machine is a lot of fun when enjoying your lasers as it allows you to view the beam.

Last edited:
Mar 29, 2013
With this hobby their is a steep spending curve. But after you have all of the necessary equipment, you're good to go!

Same with learning. Lots to know! I was not a noob TOO long ago anyways :)

May 9, 2013
Jason... keep your dreams big, man. We become what we think about.

Have fun and be safe... this is a great forum.

Jan 17, 2014

One of the better intro threads-- well done--+5

There are some fine members up your way- also a laser meeting has been planned
(NELEM)- we worth the effort to attend- I go to the 'biggie' Last 4 years and its an 18hr drive each way look for the vids on YTube= search 'SELEM Laser'-

some of the best lessons and help comes in person- hands-on.

Any LPM member/owner near you will always be happy to meter any of your lasers. We even have a map showing where LOTS are located that have LPMs.
BTW explain 1173-- Nov 1973?

i suggest buying from trusted Vet members here- look for those short on cash and selling some of their collection- (like me.) I removed all my handhelds(. >60) from my sig- in favor of laser projectors and gas lasers-.

Send your $$ TO CHINA??- only if the seller has a good rep here (about 5% are to be trusted)

The warranty from most forces the buyer to pay all shipping on defective or failed lasers-
can cost more than the laser did.. If you ship back cheap it may never arrive- catch 22.

A set of pointers RGV can now be had at Ebay for less than 12$ - they may not last long but at that price who can bitch. let them rest/cool every 2 min is a good idea..

these pics were taken on a foggy night with $4 pointers

:thanks: for the warm welcome and :thanks: for the rep! Although, the rep system is still a mystery to me. I searched but haven't found a real explanation of it and have never seen it on other forums. :thinking:

I'll definitely look into NELEM. It sounds like a good time and a great experience. I'll search for threads in the forum in regards to this after I'm done replying here. :)

You are correct, '1173' = Nov 1973. My older brother was born Nov 17, 1973. But he passed away in 1993 of suicide. Now most of my usernames are Jason1173.

This past weekend I bought a pointer from Bata. I bought his 532nm 115mW. I wanted to order the safety glasses first so I would be all set there before I bought a laser. With the cost of the laser and the glasses that was pretty much my spending money for last week. If he still has his 445nm when I am ready again I'll probably pick that up too. I want to be able to help out other members where I can and he said he is selling because of money issues. I've been in that position before and know what it's like.

There are sooo many LP's on the internet from China and abroad that I am sketchy about what I buy. Add in the fact that I can be impatient and that's just a mess. I buy something and want it now but from China and other places it could take weeks to get. :undecided:

Those pics look great. My son will love them when I show him. He has a handful of those cheap $1 pointers and sets them up with cheap mirrors and motors to make his own little light show. I'll have to take some pics the next time he has them out. That little project was the best $10 I ever spent. :D

Welcome! Google DTR laser site for extremely well priced components. Hit up Survival Lasers or a Forum machinist for a host. Dont skimp too much on the soldering iron. A cheap soldering iron tip will ruin many a diode/driver. Go for a small finely pointed tip and keep it clean. Check out Fasttech.com for great prices on panasonic 18650 lithium ion batteries to driver your builds. Maybe pick up a cheap tripod on the same order. Lastly if you can find one this time of year, a fog machine is a lot of fun when enjoying your lasers as it allows you to view the beam.



I have been adding favorites to my favorites bar and DTR is one of them! :) Along with the forum and other LP related websites! :)
I'll look into the other sites you have listed too! Thanks for the info!

Every year after taxes come back I buy one thing for myself. So I am thinking about contacting Mrcrouse about a custom host. I have seen some of the pics on here of his work and it's very impressive. I am looking to have something completely custom made after I finish the design. I was thinking that between my design and the work of mrcrouse, then maybe I could have DTR set me up with the internals. Last year I bought a new Mac that I DJ with so I figure this year I can spend half that and get a kick a$$ LP! :D

I have a fog machine somewhere that I have used for DJing. I'll have to dig it out and try it with the new LP I'm waiting for from Bata! :)

With this hobby their is a steep spending curve. But after you have all of the necessary equipment, you're good to go!

Same with learning. Lots to know! I was not a noob TOO long ago anyways :)


There is most definitely a lot to know and learn. Every time my wife asks me what I'm doing, it's always the same response... 'Reading about lasers..' Lol! I have learned so much and yet I know there is so much more to learn!

Jason... keep your dreams big, man. We become what we think about.

Have fun and be safe... this is a great forum.


:thanks: everyone for the warm welcome and helpful info! :)
Apr 2, 2009
rep 101- until you have some rep any you give has no effect- the members here with the most can bump you up or down- when I rep it is between a +4 and a +5-
ypou can still have some effect with the comments you leave- As new rep comes the older ones no longer show- Its all pretty meaningless as some abuse the system and constantly rep each other as allowed-- you must 'spread some rep around' to rep the same person again-- you will get a much better idea of a members real rep by reading what can be found in the feedback section. BTW negging somebody simply because they negged you is rep system abuse and a thing to avoid- I have negged VERY rarely& only when its deserved-- What is NOT abuse is +repping some member who was wrongly negged- just be sure you are correct-- BAD adivice .especially when it comes to safe laser use is a common and valid reason to neg. -- so be sure you are in the right--

asking others to neg someone you are having problems with is very much frowned upon as is ASKING for +Rep-- hope this is helpful- instead of +repping me or thanking just send LPF a small donation-that is always a good thing-even if its just a dollar--hk
Jan 17, 2014
hope this is helpful- instead of +repping me or thanking just send LPF a small donation-that is always a good thing-even if its just a dollar--hk

I definitely appreciate the info! Thanks so much! I actually did donate last week. Wasn't much. Think it was $5 or so but I figure it's a good way to show my appreciation of the forums. :) I'll definitely donate more as I can. The forums deserve it for the knowledge that can be gained here! :D
