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FrozenGate by Avery

Hello, I’m From the FDA and I Am Here to Confiscate Your Laser

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I can confirm spider control. Some spiders around here I would not dare try to kill with any other method... a single bite and I'd be in the hospital.

There is also a problem with the "can be substituted for another safer device" argument that many would present. I could say that hammers present a clear hazard to thumbs and could easily be used as a lethal weapon. I could then say that screws should be used in place and hammers/nails outlawed.

There is such a strong urge to "baby" people now. You see it a lot in parents; "oh no, little Johnny can't go out and play on the swings, he could get a concussion!", but you also see it a lot in the government now too. As said above, so many people/agencies are trying to save us from ourselves... who is going to save us from them?

Submission by 00Giorge of a Second and Third Nomination for reasonable, justifiable and legitimate uses of a Class IV hand held laser pointer for
Confirmation is now pending (@ 00Giorge - pictures please) :crackup:
This is before:

I don't have an after, he keeps trying to chase the dot every time I turn a laser on. :thinking:
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

I do not see this as being exclusive to firearms only.

absolutely not!

Basically i think what a lot of us are saying can be summed up in 3 words.

No New Laws.

i mean, we've got more than enough already right?
You don't know what it is like waking up in the morning and that is the first thing you see. My cat is evil I tell you! :eg: (It is Tequila Saturday, yay)

You are in Utah? Funny, ya said that like a Texan!

While I am not sure if Handheld laser ownership is guaranteed in the constitution - the only reason Americans need to buy, own, rent, eat, anything they can think of is "Because I wanted to"

Thats called liberty freinds... And thats what Lasers are all about.

or something...

^^ i have a sneaking suspicion that the same guys against citizens owning lasers as a general rule, probably don't have a very high opinion of private gun ownership either.

I am not originally from Utah, I grew up in Idaho. But I did spend a week in New Mexico with 3 girls from Texas and I'll be damned if I didn't go back home with an accent and a big smile! :eg:
I also have a friend that live in Galviston.
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You don't know what it is like waking up in the morning and that is the first thing you see. My cat is evil I tell you! :eg: (It is Tequila Saturday, yay)

I am not originally from Utah, I grew up in Idaho. But I did spend a week in New Mexico with 3 girls from Texas and I'll be damned if I didn't go back home with an accent and a big smile! :eg:
I also have a friend that live in Galviston.

Texas girls will put a smile on your face for sure. :drool:

but three of 'em? you probably also went home with a limp!
^^^ That happened when I was in college and we were on a ski trip for spring break in Taos NM. Had a really good time! :eg:

Didn't have a limp, but I was hung over and tired with a smile.
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absolutely not!

Basically i think what a lot of us are saying can be summed up in 3 words.

No New Laws.

i mean, we've got more than enough already right?

Basically, yeah. Government has f***ked up every power we have given to them so far, there is no reason to open any new doors.

People I respect very highly on this forum sometimes advocate a "licensing system with safety classes". While I agree, safety classes would be a good thing, government is the wrong entity to implement such a system. It is NOT the government's place to advocate personal safety, the role of government should be very limited indeed.

When you advocate a new bureaucracy or new regulations you absolutely positively must be prepared for the huge "mission creep" that such things always succumb to.

Take a look at gun regulation. In the constitution, it says NOTHING about gun regulation being legal in any way shape or form, but the large body of American people advocate certain restrictions. For instance, most people would agree that saying "no you can't have a gun" to violent felons, crazy people, and underage people is a good idea.

However, it is this initial regulation that has spawned the monster that is now in California and many other states. You are now allowed to purchase firearms as long as you are 21 years or older (for handguns, I didn't realize constitutional rights started at 21 :undecided:), and as long as they aren't fully automatic, or .50 caliber, or have too many "naughty looking" attachments on them (unless it's a .22!). Oh, and you have to wait 10 days, and you can't buy more than one in a 30-day period, also we require that you sign here here and initial here so we know which houses to raid first :tinfoil:. Oh, and you want to exercise your right to bear arms? Sorry, you have to get a CCW permit (read: permission to exercise a right, do you have a freedom of speech permit?), that 90% of sheriffs won't give you unless you are an ex-cop, security guard, or ex-military.

I hope my point has been clear. I think our community here (and on other forums!) is more than capable of producing safety conscious members without the involvement of government :beer:
I have had fruit flies in abundance when not keeping clean enough during wine making, they hang out on the ceiling and are very easy to take down while wearing goggles and using a 445nm handheld.
Most of them go up with a puff of smoke and nothing is left.
These discussions always seem to reappear when some old fart politician has no more piles of IMPORTANT things to do.

No seriously I can tell you what happened in Denmark where I live. Green pointers where flashed at planes, helicopters and such a few times and the media went absolutely bananas. There was talk about legislating on the area. No laws where ever implemented, and after the media let it slip for more important issues there has only been very few occurances of this problem since and there has not been a single mention of the matter in more than a year. I hope it is because information got through to the young people doing this. We do have severe consequences for these matters, but no laws against owning high powered lasers.

-"With great power comes great responsibility" (Spiderman) hehe.

Common sense takes you a long way and I am glad Denmark hasnt turned into America when it comes to making stupid laws to prevent a few from doing stupid things.

You can not legislate everything imo. Take a shovel for instance, if I was to take that whole can it harm someone comment as valid then it needs a law so you wont use it for that?!
hey you think the rules and (laws) in america are bad then dont bother coming to australia.
we cant have or use fireworks, there are severe restrictions on firearms(especially handguns) and dont even get me started on lasers.
australian government(what you want a new toy to play with that is slightly dangerous:banned::banned::banned:)
Yeah, from the outside it looks like Australia is becoming the newest nanny state. I hope America doesn't follow (any more than we already have).
Yeah, from the outside it looks like Australia is becoming the newest nanny state. I hope America doesn't follow (any more than we already have).

All it took in Australia was a series of high-profile aircraft laserings, as well as incidents where lasers were used against people and road vehicles.

The laws took only weeks to enact.

It doesn't take a lot to make a critical mass.
hey you think the rules and (laws) in america are bad then dont bother coming to australia.
we cant have or use fireworks, there are severe restrictions on firearms(especially handguns) and dont even get me started on lasers.
australian government(what you want a new toy to play with that is slightly dangerous:banned::banned::banned:)

That is what a lot of Americans are worried about. We don't want to be subjects of the Monarchy. We like being free. But unfortunately there are enough sniveling wimps in our society, and enough power mongers in our gov't that we have to constantly be on guard for this type of thing.
One of the things that has always troubled me about this line of discussion is this: What defines "legitimate"?

There are many things in life that make it enjoyable that are not REQUIREMENTS for survival, but yet we are legally allowed to possess them. Why? Entertainment and enjoyment. To me and many others, those are perfectly "legitimate" reasons to allow their possession.

Aside from the aviation concerns, high powered laser pointers have failed to become the danger to life and limb that they were predicted to be by many old-head laserists, laser professionals and even many hobbyists. Given that fact I don't see a good reason to ban possession of all high-powered pointers, regardless of whether they are personal items that are never used in public or not. The aviation industry does have some clout, but whether they have clout enough to see to it that no American can legally possess high-powered handheld lasers is a different story.
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