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Gun or Speaker?

Which should I buy?

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We are all entitled to our own opinions. It's all good.

I just did an estimation for my taxes and I just found out that I am going to be a little bit short with my tax return for the Rifle. :(:(....But I can still save for it. I will only be about $100 short.

Buying ammo gets expensive!

I'll just shutup about not owning guns :P A lot of you guys over in America own guns, over in the UK owning a gun is unimaginable :)

Not true. There are MANY "gun clubs" in the UK. The government strictly regulates them and the licensing cost is designed to make it prohibitive for the majority of the population, but they exist. Also MANY people now own high powered pellet weapons and use them to hunt small game.

You are aware that your country has an Olympic Shooting Team, Yes? Where do the members of that team develop their interest in shooting, learn how to shoot and practice shooting? It may be unimaginable in your circle of friends, but it is very much imaginable in the UK (especially in the countryside).

I've always gotten more enjoyment out of my speakers than I ever have with a gun. Guns are toys unless you hunt or are afraid, music is spiritual.
Option C: stocks/bonds. They generally hold their value better than either a speaker OR a gun.

Get the speakers...
there is no way to get on the Forum from Jail...:san:

From Jail? LOL

As for the Value thing....I work for the company that I would be buying the weapon from. I can easilly turn around and sell it for a profit if I wanted to.
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.308 or .223? :D
A nice IR and starlight setup would be an awesome addition to it as well... greenie and halo site if you're on a tighter budget.

Beats blasting rap music!... or country! LOL
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well personally I would get the speaker but that is because the man won't let me have a gun. if given the choice though I would buy that sweet rifle and fire of a few hundred rounds.
LOL wat about this! you buy the gun.... sell it for a profit, make enough money off the gun to pay for the speakers (in profit) then buy a new gun? you get the best of both worlds! you did say, you could sell the gun for double the price.....

Well, if i was living in a free country, i for sure choose the gun ..... but we're in Italy, and the law here say that you cannot buy all the toys you want :cryyy:

Go with the gun, if you can use it ..... a subwoofer is easy to DIY, a good gun, not :p :D
Guns are toys unless you hunt or are afraid
LMAO I was sure I'd be flamed for this statement LOL.
These are paintball, but said what the hell, ill post the for you :gun:


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LOL wat about this! you buy the gun.... sell it for a profit, make enough money off the gun to pay for the speakers (in profit) then buy a new gun? you get the best of both worlds! you did say, you could sell the gun for double the price.....


True, but I can only buy a very limited number of rifles at that price.
I have more fun shooting stuff than listening to music so I'm going to have to say get the gun.
