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Group buy for 16X dvd burner diodes !

  • Thread starter Thread starter SenKat
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I am really tempted to buy a few of these. Is the buy still open, and when do I have to decide by if it is? Hoping to make a laser watch out of them(if that turns out to be possible) ::)


One incentive for buying more is YOU WILL BURN SOME UP!.  I mounted a dvd burner in my aixiz module and ran it for three weeks then it magically morphed itself into a l.e.d.  Now that it's dead I need a replacement.  the diode is one of the cheapest parts of the build.  Now I'll have lots of them to continue to feed my need for power!~!

$13 a pop is fantastic.  If I had the cash I'd take all of em!!!

Yes the buy is still open.  We need to sell all of them before it's a go!  56 so far last I saw


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How many do you think I will need to buy if it is my first time. :-[ I guess I will have lots to add to my collection of LEDs! :o :D (p.s. --how do they turn into LEDs? :-?)
power to them is too much or heat kills them or something along those lines. I'd go for 10 to start with. They are electrostatically sensative so you might fry one just touching it if your not careful. Then from there it's a matter of mounting it good without impact damage.
The buy is definitely still open - I just have had a change in finances recently, and have to allocate my extra funds elsewhere. So - there is a 100 piece minimum order - no maximum...actually, I was told he only has 100,000 available to sell - so.... LOL Mike knows how fast those numbers change !
Well I'll pony up for two more. Mark me down for 5, not 3. That'll give me one to bench test, one to accidentally destroy, and 3 for my application.


-- Rev
Don't scare the guy... :P

You can be lucky and get it right the first time around. It's really just how careful you are. It took me a DVD drive to learn how to rip the diode out, another to learn how to desolder the thing, I got my third one working and fried it instantly when I powered it with a rechargeable instead of a regular battery, and the last one is the star of the show in the thread I linked to above. It really is just about how much you want to use it, how much you want to power it, how much you want to experiment with it... etc.

The same thing I am going with right now is the problem with my Blu-Ray laser. I ruined the first diode and get the second one working. A simple mistake of not discharging the capacitor in the circuit fried the second one... I am now on my third one and I am being very slow and cautious. These are $90 diodes each... But the practice phase is a phase everyone goes through unless you have a diode driver that controls the current going into the diode in increments of micro-watts ( I looked it up... It's too expensive. Plus, trial and error is more fun in the end! ;))

What you're getting here is a beauty to bask in for $13 a pop. Add about $20 for the Dorcy flashlight (which a $5 flashlight from DX would do, or most other 1W LED flashlights would suffice actually), another few dollars for parts from RadioShack and an AixiZ module. Some experience and some solder with a soldering Iron. Mix it real well and have fun doing it... and you have a laser pointer that you can show off and make people gasp once they see it. High powered reds are really just as amazing and fun as greens. They also provide for a little more discreteness since no one around can see the beam as much as with a greenie ;)

GL all and check out Kenom's nice DIY guide... it tells it all;
I have yet to convince my dad about the diodes, since he has to do they paypal. I could do it, but would have to explain a lot on the visa LOL ;D

I will strongly urge him tonight, in about an hour, and edit this post depending on what happens. I sure as hockeysticks want these diodes!!!
Mike - received
Paul - received

Thanks !

Hey, also....a thought for those overseas/out of the US where they tax the living piss outta you...

I will mark these as Gifts - and Electronic samples.

THAT should keep the import taxman off yer butts, dontcha think ? Give me some input, folks (for those not in the US) so I do this with as little impact as possible to YOU. I will personally replace any diodes that go AWOL - so no worries there. I insist on that, 100% Eh - maybe I will hold another raffle to pay for it, but I'll do it ! :-)
well, you can compare these to pulsar's. they have almost got the power to qualify for them and with focusable optics in the modules you can sure betcha that it's gonna have better burning power than the pulsar's
Xenodius said:
I have yet to convince my dad about the diodes, since he has to do they paypal.  I could do it, but would have to explain a lot on the visa LOL  ;D

I will strongly urge him tonight, in about an hour, and edit this post depending on what happens.  I sure as hockeysticks want these diodes!!!

Don't edit the post - post a new message :-) That way I will see it pop up ::) That is how I miss a post every now and again - when they are edited versus posting new :P
Xenodius said:
I have yet to convince my dad about the diodes, since he has to do they paypal. I could do it, but would have to explain a lot on the visa LOL ;D

I will strongly urge him tonight, in about an hour, and edit this post depending on what happens. I sure as hockeysticks want these diodes!!!

Well good luck. I hope you get them :)
Here's three red's I've made. All focus for burning. This is just a sample of what can be done as you have seen on the forums.
Top: 283 mW (No I won't sell this !!)
Middle: 251 mW
Bottom: My first attempt -- 130 mW....

This wasn't done without a few tears :'( Mw's is Mw's red or green !



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Hemlock Mike,
Heathkit chart recorder...sweet! I have the Hero-1 and Hero-Jr Heathkit robots.

Anyway, I will be getting a few of the diodes. I am waiting on some funds and hopefully tomorrow I cam commit. Personally I like Red better than Green from all the pics I have seen posted. I have shed my share of tears too experimenting with red diodes...lol. But really it is all part of the fun and hobby.
Gazoo --

I just got the Heathkit recorder to go with my Scientech 362 power meter. It's a neat piece of equipment AND I got 3 extra rolls of paper with it.

