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Group buy for 16X dvd burner diodes !

  • Thread starter Thread starter SenKat
  • Start date Start date
Hey SenKat-- That DX Driverboard has suggested output of 3.6V~4.5V... A little high, but fixable. They are only .75cts each... Thinking that we should tack on a little fee and ship them with the diodes? For those that want them that is.

I was gonna get some and whatnot but donno if I've got the skillz to fix it so might have to ship em to Senkat.
Xenodius said:
Hey SenKat-- That DX Driverboard has suggested output of 3.6V~4.5V... A little high, but fixable.  They are only .75cts each... Thinking that we should tack on a little fee and ship them with the diodes?  For those that want them that is.

That is a decent Idea, but I REALLY like the little Dorcy I use, and some of hte other nice fashlight hosts will work great too with just a tiny bit of modification, so that would be an extra step, IMO.
Do you use any additional circuitry in the mini Dorcy?

And I suppose you have a good point about the flashlights... *ponder*

Oh, and I have another question; Since the mini Dorcy has a driver board of its own, which I understand to be just slightly too high for these diodes, wouldn't a resistor be all you need? Since the current is already stabilized? A capacitor takes out jolts, but thats not necessary here. Assuming the driver board already provides stable current... :?

PS: You guys are so awesome... *hug* ;) :D
You can always build these without the Capacitor, but you do risk frying it from jolts, as the circuit in a Dorcy is not really designed for laser diodes :-)
Hemlock Mike said:
I know how to payPal on ebay but how do I sent to Senkat ?? I'd like 3.


In your account go to "Send Money" and type in his e-mail. Then on the next screen it'll show you everything. :)

Hey Mike - any time you need more practice like that, lemme know ;D
Any and all would be helpful - I just found out today I have to either spring for a wheelchair, or come up with the asssstronomicaly high Insurance Co-pay required for one. Damnit this sucks. Guys - each and every one of you listen, please : TAKE CARE OF YOUR DAMNED BACKS !

Okay - psa done with. Yeah - I am now going to have to sell most, if not all prior to being able to post the order - "stuff" happens, and I have to re-direct some of my funds towards those. :'(
Man, I've been living with it for so long - just pain, right ? LOL...the Doc said I am doing more damage to my spine by walking around - and short of bed rest, this is the only thing that will at least keep things status quo until I get surgery.

*****They just BETTER have high speed internet at the damned hospital if they want to keep me for more than a few hours when I finally get the surgery !*****
OK guys -- Here's the word. Everyone likes the pop and burn power of the greenies. 80 to 125 mW --- WOW.
NOW HEAR THIS -- A 200+ mW RED "FOCUSABLE" will do more but not with the pretty beam.

1: Those who ordered 1 - 3 diodes will probably toast a couple learning how to do it. You need a couple more.
2: Buying DVD drives for $50 and hoping you can harvest the diode take a chance.
3: There's info all over the place on how to build your own red torch which will do the fun stuff.
4: Building your own laser is what this hobby is all about.
5: $13 for the diode and about $12 for a module is cheap. People are building these into old dead greenie housings.

I'm in for 7 more diodes.

Very much agreed Mike... I can vouch for the burning up diodes part because I went through 4 DVD drives until I got one working. That was just a few months ago and now it's starting to get dim. These diodes top any kind of diode out there. Not only is it red, and not only is it bright, but it's amazingly nice to look at. Check out my tunnel with a red laser using the same diodes as these ones.


The first picture on there is the exact same effect you would get with a laser of this kind. It's much nicer looking that the weak 5mW reds you see in the pictures there too... and much nicer to look at in real life than green lasers, at least to me they are.

Hope we can get enough on board to make this happen... and thank you very much for the help Mike;
