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FrozenGate by Avery

Goggle Question. (Newbie to Lasers)


May 4, 2014
I just purchased the 2w arctic from WL and I'm new to lasers.

I dont trust the shades it is going to come with so i purchased a pair of goggles from this company. I wanted a pair of goggles that could handle a disaster senerio. Direct exposure at intervals over a second. (I could have a slow reaction time)

Specifically I purchased these
F12.P5E01.5000 - Laservision USA
OD 7+ @ 190 - 315 nm
OD 6+ @ 315 - 532 nm

I believe I ordered correctly however one thing I am not educated in is whether or not if the 2w arctic outputs any extra frequencys or multiple wavelengths that these goggles I purchased may not block such as IR or otherwise.


I want to take this question to another level.
If it does output multiple wavelengths are they filtered out / blocked at the business end of this laser? As I still would want to be prepared in case the filter failed / malfunctioned.

I am not familiar with that company but according to the specs those goggles are more than enough.

No that 2W Arctic only puts out the 445nm, nothing else. You only need to worry about that with DPSS lasers.

Welcome to LPF.

The arctic should only put out 445nm. You'd need a laser like an argon to have more than one wavelength. DPSS lasers like 532nm green can output multiple wavelengths too, but the other wavelengths besides the primary visible wavelength are in the IR range.
I was looking for something cheaper but what bothered me was duty cycles and heat. I wanted something I could run continiously. My next one though id like a custom one with alot more w behind it.
OK I do hate duty cycles, what is the duty cycle on the
Arctic 2W the host looks quite small?

For your next one use a NDB7A75 diode they can go over 5w :D
I was looking for something cheaper but what bothered me was duty cycles and heat. I wanted something I could run continiously. My next one though id like a custom one with alot more w behind it.

Just trying to understand...
why do you need a portable laser than needs NO rest cycle??

why would you EVER buy from WL- either you read whats here and are ignoring all the advice or you never did any homework-

AFAIK (dispite claims otherwise)
There are no potable lasers that are truly NO REST needed
for that you need a lab laser (not portable)
as they have: bigger heat sink- fan and/or other active cooling like a TEC.
If you REALLY want good advice PLEASE add you location AND your DOB to your profile page

I suggest you take care that all info is accurate as failing to be totally honest is reason for bannishment at LPF--

without your location we cannot give the best advice and besides there may be a member living close to you- which can mean all kinds of advantages- like in-person help/advice or metering your lasers for free.
Personal lasers for sale --ETC

if you have not yet-- please make a thread in the WELCOME section with a proper intro of yourself to our community--
If in doubt what that means SIMPLY read those
others have already posted as a guide--

welcome to LPF--- hak
No I didn't read this site when doing my homework.
I happened to check this site after browsing the candlepower forums and noticed everyone was referring people here regarding lasers. This was after the purchase.

I researched more about the types of lasers, safety and such however I did not research the actual company's much.
Due it's light weight, small form factor, and round shape the front end has more mobile potential and more likely to cause accidental disaster unlike a box that sits on a table. So I really needed to confirm 100% that my goggles were safe for my application.

Its hard to judge opinions of companies when a lot of times people can post biased opinions. For every bad post on a company I can find a good post on a company.
Besides its hard to judge a company when you have no first hand experience with them as you mentioned here.
I do completely agree with your post that being on the FDA listing to seize all shipments with a product code of 95 is a huge red alert for me. If I found your post sooner I probably would have picked another company.

Being someone that has a big computer hobby as an overclocker... I tend to take advice about company's reputation with a grain of salt. I know very well that experiences can be different for people. I like to dig in with my own hands and see for myself (and sometimes the hardway) However when it comes to Science fact I am trying to consume as much knowledge as I can.

And one of the reasons I picked WL was the SmartSwitch. I liked the idea of having 2 locks on the device. One being software and one being hardware.

As for your question for the continuous cycle question. I desire the best durability for my investment. Advertising longer cycles mean that they may have invested more into the heat sink / host than perhaps another company did. I want something that will last. But if what you say is true then they are being deceptive. I would like a more realistic duty cycle for the laser I purchased.

I may consider a table sitting laser in the future. Perhaps if I enjoy this hobby enough to get as serious with it as i do my others.

Thank you for your advice it's much appreciated.

I have updated my info also.
Thank you for your advice it's much appreciated.

I have updated my info also."

and doing that just got you a +5 rep bump--

about WL- for a very long time most considered WL to be a good choice- THEN WL did the forums and the us a big disservice with thier 'brilliant' marketing stragedy-the ARCTIC and its ability to set 'flesh afire instantly'
SO good that they were (for a time) getting two order per minute- making WL a crapload of profits-- w/o any regard for the problems this made--

many hear will nver buy anything from WL as the dan=mage done cannot be reversed and now we havr this..


is WL to blame??-- in part of course - while the idoits cause the recent reaction it was WL that got all that 5hit started IMHO.
