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FrozenGate by Avery

Jetlaser Or WickedLasers?

Dec 25, 2013
I have been looking at these high power lasers for a year and really wanted to get one.
These are the 2 I am considering
- Jetlasers
- WickedLasers

I know that WickedLasers have a lot of bad reputation, but in these days I am not seeing any more bad feedbacks and complaints so I assume they are getting better now?

Jetlasers are much more trusted and more people and confidence in them, however, their products are not as High tech and good as WickedLasers (According to the websites)

I hope people can help me to decide whether should I choose Jetlasers or Wicked since I like my lasers to have a lot of features but do not want to pay money for nothing. Also, tell me if WickedLasers are getting better these days.

Please do not just spam and shout in all CAPS saying who is HORRIBLE, I do not want anyone giving tons of rage comments and think carefully before posting.

Welcome to LPF.
I've got to believe that if you have been looking at these two companies for a year now, and don't believe that the Jetlasers are as high tech, or as good as the Wicked lasers, you've probably pretty much got your mind made up in favor of Wicked.

I have no personal experience with Wicked lasers, so I can't comment on them, nor will I bash them, but I do own many Jetlasers products, and I can say without a doubt that they are IMHO, a very high quality laser, with probably the best customer service from any Chinese laser company!

Good luck with whatever you choose. :)
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WL are just to expensive.... look laserbtb they are much better and way cheaper.
i don't know about jetlasers but i have 3 lasers from wicked lasers and my experience with them is very good ....
for example:
bec. i live in egypt sometimes lasers don't pass the customs (that was the case with my 405 nm nano) i e-mailed them and they shipped me another one at no extra cost

about the lasers themselves they work well without any issues

i would recommend wicked lasers (in fact i ordered the Evo about a week ago and i am looking forward to getting it )
Both companys have there ups and downs in my book.

Some things i like about WL and some i don't.
Same goes for Jetlasers....

Things you read and experience yourself.

Laserbtb is actually pritty good as i have no complains with any of the lasers i got from them.

Now i know this will not help you very much, but that's just how it is from my view.

Ofcourse both two company's that i had a problem with, resolved both in a nice and good way...

And would like to Add that my latest Lunar and inferno came in overspec, same with the Nano, Evo, Arctic's Kryptons. (sig would get too large)
Jetlasers came in overspec aswell with a whooping 1W green PL-E pro... (i like there Beam expander aswell)
Laserbtb, what can i say... they even made a custom battery tube to get rit of the 16340's some high powered handhelds use. (bravo!)
When my 808nm PL does 3W with 2× 16340 and a whooping 5W with 2× 18650 = :bowdown:
But this was a request i asked that got true, so don't expect in stock from them about that.
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Jetlasers. I've dealt with both companies, and while I hear WL is getting better in terms of quality control, Jetlasers has great customer service and their products tend to be overspec.
Jetlasers have very good customer service as well as lasers...
I prolly know JL better than any other member- I have no history with WL-
BUT-- JL I am sure is a better choice-
EVEn if you only consider the fact that WL ( and DL- Laserglow and BobLaser)
are on this list from the FDA-- this means a lot - as every package addressed correctly(w/WL as the sender) will get stopped and opened.

JL afaik is not on this list--

Import Alert 95-04

Yes -- there has been some minor problems with almost every JL model BUT they fix these asap- last one was a poorly made Tailcap on the newest ProPl-Es Thanks to 'Smeer' et al this was brought to the attention of Gray/JL and the new tailcaps are ready and no longer have the problem- contact Gray or me if you need a new tailcap-
to test it (w/ a LPM) you meter it also by removing the cap and shorting the battery to the case and look for a higher output- if your Pro-Ple is a recent buy it may already have the improved tailcap--all you need to do is send me the old tailcap and I will get a new one for you-

How problems are solved is one big diff between JL and the others..
Gray ONLY ships to CONUS with the very best DHL express- I got a package from JL in 60 hours once-- not sure which carrier Gray uses for other countries but he does a lot of research before choosing a shipper.. oddly he has asked me to NOT use DHL for boxes going back to China preferring instead USPS/EMS Express.

JL is currently looking into perhaps making a single offering of 1W 520 green Pro Pl-Es and also the new >3+W 445 9mm diodes due to popular demand- I can't say when or if there will be other chances to get one- that will be decided later AFAIk..

PM me If anyone has Qs.. Hak
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WL has escaped customs many times now... and LaserGlow is on the same list...

But I do agree, go with JL unless you are a sucker for WL's hosts. That's really the only reason to buy from WL
maybe we should keep etlasers-jay on the ownlow-day so they don't end up on that ist-lay:whistle:

I realize this is impossible, but of all the companies, they are the last I want to see there

loose lips and all. I cringe to think if there are any sunken ships due to my lips, unbeknownst to me.
I have never owned a WL. They do have some cool looking hosts. After reading some of the posts on this forum WL does not deserve any of my hard earned money and I will never own one of their cool looking hosts.

Someone sells me something once, they have accomplished nothing. Someone sells me something twice, they did their job on the first sale and have made a customer. I own a PL-E Pro and a TiB from Jetlasers. If the GB goes through I will have another Pl-E Pro from Jetlasers. You will be hard pressed to find an individual of Gray's caliber anywhere but Jetlasers. Jetlasers gets it. They want my money and are willing to go the extra mile to get it. Gray is a member of this forum and we have the Jetlasers guru hakzaw1 :beer: at our disposal.
I'm putting my money on Jetlasers. :)
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JetLasers absolutely - 100% the way to go---high quality products and the best customer service of any Chinese company I have encountered

Unless you can't live without a low cost to make but highly overpriced to retail customers WL Arctic or Krypton host go with JetLasers.
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^^^ THANKS all for the kind words-
8 GBs done and done- We felt everything that needed to be proven has been. So Gary needs to no longer provide proof of JL's 'streetcred'

BUT now some are asking about the possibility of a 1w 520 or a 4/5 W 445 both new 9mm diodes and quite pricey- so I may need to come out of retirement to help both sides- IF you jsut MUST have either of these you need to know that in time both diodes 'MAY" become more affordable ( the 520 has already dropped ~$250) so there is a very likely going to be some with buyeres remorse AND I really doubt JL can or wants to invest in many of these new diodes- SO..
It may be necessary for each to pay ahead so JL can THEN get the needed diodes and THEN build the lasers- how long will that take?/ I have no clue- if you get antsy waiting then this GB is NOT for you.
Due the the high cost we many ask each buyer to pay Gray directly (NOT w./PP tho)
and when they are done Gray can ship each directly (add 30$)-- PLEASE do NOT insist on PPal-you will just have to go to your own bank and do a money transfer to JL in China (add another fee)

PooPPal recently helped a scammer get over on JL that cost several thousands of $$
You *should* use PP if you are unsure of the seller- HOWEVER there is NO NEED to NOT trust Gray-- and to those FEW who think I am not trustworthy you can see i am NOT getting into the money end or the shipping end of this new deal-- this will cost each buyer an extra ~$60 sorry- you can blame that on the two who have accused me of wrongdoing.-- (on a PJ GB)--

To keep things simple we will NOT combine both the 520 and 445. They will be seperate-- and my guess is the 520s wil get done first- JL cannot afford to buy diodes that are so expensive with the possible lower cost later-- no 'extras' are likely to be built.-- Feelers going up in the GB section asap..

Still a few Ti-Bs left with me and at JL China- only a few(non-PRO) Pl-Es are left- and the new tailcaps are now done so AFAIK there are no issues at all with the Pro _PL-Es atm

IF you have a ProPL-E and you have tested it both with the tailcap and w/o AND you NEED the new tailcap PM me so I can get one sent to you free (thru me).

Gray needs to know how many to send me.. ASAP.

